Rodbot Plugin – GitHub Webhook

Pipeline event announcements from GitHub


The Rodbot app binds to localhost by default which cannot be reached from GitHub. Make sure this connection is possible by setting a different IP in config/rodbot.rb:

app do
  host ''

To authenticate the webhook calls from GitHub, create a new random secret token:

ruby -r securerandom -e "puts SecureRandom.alphanumeric(20)"


Activate and configure this plugin in config/rodbot.rb:

plugin :github_webhook do
  secret_tokens '<TOKEN>'

You can set any number of secure tokens here separated with colons.

Add Repositories

Add a webhook to every GitHub repository you'd like to see pipeline event announcements for. Go to<USER>/<REPO>/settings/hooks and create a new webhook with the following properties:

  • Payload URL: https://<RODBOT-APP>/github_webhook
  • Content type: application/json
  • Secret: <TOKEN>
  • SSL verification: (o) Enable SSL verification
  • Which events? (o) Let me select individual events: [x] Workflow runs
  • And... [x] Active