Unit Measurements

A library that encapsulate measurements and their units in Ruby.

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Harshal V. Ladhe, Master of Computer Science.


Many technical applications need use of specialized calculations at some point of time. Frequently, these calculations require unit conversions to ensure accurate results. Needless to say, this is a pain to properly keep track of, and is prone to numerous errors.


The unit_measurements gem is designed to simplify the handling of units for scientific calculations.


  • Easy unit conversion.
  • Lightweight and extensible for adding custom units and conversions.
  • Supports various unit groups.
  • Well-documented: Documentation.
  • Parses complex, fractional, mixed fractional, scientific numbers, and ratios.


The unit conversions provided here are for reference and general informational purposes. While we aim for accuracy, we cannot guarantee precision in all scenarios. Users are advised to cross-verify conversions for their specific use cases.

Minimum Requirements


If using bundler, first add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "unit_measurements"

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or otherwise simply install it yourself as:

$ gem install unit_measurements


The UnitMeasurements::Measurement class is responsible for conversion of quantity to various compatible units but it can't be directly initialized or converted to other units, but rather it is done with the unit group classes viz., UnitMeasurements::Weight, UnitMeasurements::Length, etc.

Initialize a measurement:

UnitMeasurements::Length.new(1, "km")
#=> 1 km

Converting to other units:

This gem allows you to convert among units of same unit group. You can convert measurement to other unit using #convert_to (aliased as #to, #in, and #as) or #convert_to! (aliased as #to!, #in!, and #as!) methods.

You can use #convert_to as:

UnitMeasurements::Length.new(1, "km").convert_to("m")
#=> 1000.0 m

If you want to modify measurement object itself, you can use #convert_to! method as:

UnitMeasurements::Length.new(1, "km").convert_to!("m")
#=> 1000.0 m

You can convert the measurement directly to the primitive unit of the unit group as:

UnitMeasurements::Length.new(1, "cm").convert_to("primitive")
#=> 0.01 m

You can also chain call of #convert_to and #convert_to! methods as:

UnitMeasurements::Length.new(100, "m").convert_to("ft").convert_to!("in")
#=> 3937.00787401574071916010498688 in

Parse string without having to split out the quantity and source unit:

UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("1 km")
#=> 1.0 km

Parse string that mentions quantity, source unit, and target unit:

A source unit can be separated from the target unit using the in, to, or as operators.

UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("1 km to m")
#=> 1000.0 m

Parse scientific numbers, source unit, and (or) target unit:

UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("2e+2 km").convert_to("m")
#=> 200000.0 m
UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("2e+2 km to m")
#=> 200000.0 m

You can check supported special characters for exponents here.

Parse complex numbers, source unit, and (or) target unit:

UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("2+3i km").convert_to("m")
#=> 2000.0+3000.0i m
UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("2+3i km to m")
#=> 2000.0+3000.0i m

Parse fractional/mixed fractional numbers, source unit, and (or) target unit:

UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("2 ½ km").convert_to("m")
#=> 2500.0 m
UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("2/3 km to m")
#=> 666.666666666667 m

You can check supported special characters for fractional notations here.

Parse ratios, source unit, and (or) target unit:

UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("1:2 km").convert_to("m")
#=> 500.0 m
UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("1:2 km to m")
#=> 500.0 m

Formatting measurement:

If you want to format measurement to certain format, you can use #format method. If format is not specified, it defaults to "%.2<value>f %<unit>s".

UnitMeasurements::Length.new(100, "m").to("in").format("%.4<quantity>f %<unit>s")
#=> "3937.0079 in"

You can check more about formatting along with their examples here.

Extract the unit and the quantity from measurement:

length = UnitMeasurements::Length.new(1, "km")
#=> 1
#=> #<UnitMeasurements::Unit: km (kilometer, kilometers, kilometre, kilometres)>

See primitive unit of the unit group:

#=> #<UnitMeasurements::Unit: m (meter, meters, metre, metres)>

See all units of the unit group:

#=> [#<UnitMeasurements::Unit: m (meter, meters, metre, metres)>, ..., ...]

See names of all valid units of the unit group:

#=> ["ft", "in", "m", "mi", "yd"]

See all valid units of the unit group along with their aliases:

#=> ["\"", "'", "feet", "foot", "ft", "in", "inch", "inches", "m", "meter", "meters", "metre", "metres", "mi", "mile", "miles", "yard", "yards", "yd"]

See list of units within the unit system:

You can use #units_for or #units_for! methods to find units within the unit system. #units_for! method returns an error if there are no units associated with specified unit system.

#=> [#<UnitMeasurements::Unit: m (meter, meters, metre, metres)>, ...]

Finding units within the unit group:

You can use #unit_for or #unit_for! (aliased as #[]) methods to find units within the unit group. #unit_for! method returns an error if a unit is not present in the unit group.

#=> #<UnitMeasurements::Unit: m (meter, meters, metre, metres)>
#=> nil
#=> Invalid unit: 'z'. (UnitMeasurements::UnitError)

Finding whether the unit is defined within the unit group:

#=> true
#=> false

Check if the unit is a valid unit or alias within the unit group:

#=> true
#=> true


You have ability to compare the measurements with the same or different units within the same unit group. For example, comparing length with length will work, comparing a length with a area would fail.

UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("1 km") != UnitMeasurements::Length.parse("1 m")
#=> true

You can check supported comparisons along with their examples here.


You have ability to perform arithmetic operations on measurements with the same or different units within a same unit group. You can perform arithmetic operations on measurement by either other measurement with compatible unit or numeric value. In cases of different units, the left hand side takes precedence.

UnitMeasurements::Length.new(1, "km") + UnitMeasurements::Length.new(1, "m")
#=> 1.001 km
UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2, "km") * 2+2i
#=> 4+2i km

You can check supported arithmetic operations along with their examples here.


You can perform mathematical functions on the measurements.

UnitMeasurements::Length.new(17.625, "m").round
#   => 18 m

You can check supported mathematical functions along with their examples here.


You can convert measurement quantity directly to other numeric types viz. Integer, BigDecimal, Rational, Complex, and Float.

UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2.25567, "km").to_i
#=> 2 km

You can check more about them along with their examples here.


The UnitMeasurements::Unit class is used to represent the units for a measurement.

SI prefixed units

Support for SI prefixed units is provided through the si_unit method. Units declared this way automatically support all decimal SI prefixes. This method takes an optional add_binary_prefixes parameter, which can be set to true if the unit supports binary SI prefixes in addition to decimal SI prefixes.

Decimal SI prefixes

Multiplying Factor SI Prefix Scientific Notation
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 quetta (Q) 10^30
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 ronna (R) 10^27
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 yotta (Y) 10^24
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 zetta (Z) 10^21
1 000 000 000 000 000 000 exa (E) 10^18
1 000 000 000 000 000 peta (P) 10^15
1 000 000 000 000 tera (T) 10^12
1 000 000 000 giga (G) 10^9
1 000 000 mega (M) 10^6
1 000 kilo (k) 10^3
1 00 hecto (h) 10^2
1 0 deca (da) 10^1
0.1 deci (d) 10^-1
0.01 centi (c) 10^-2
0.001 milli (m) 10^-3
0.000 001 micro (µ) 10^-6
0.000 000 001 nano (n) 10^-9
0.000 000 000 001 pico (p) 10^-12
0.000 000 000 000 001 femto (f) 10^-15
0.000 000 000 000 000 001 atto (a) 10^-18
0.000 000 000 000 000 000 001 zepto (z) 10^-21
0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 yocto (y) 10^-24
0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 ronto (r) 10^-27
0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 quecto (q) 10^-30

Binary SI prefixes

Multiplying Factor SI Prefix Scientific Notation
1 024 kibi (Ki) 2^10
1 048 576 mebi (Mi) 2^20
1 073 741 824 gibi (Gi) 2^30
1 099 511 627 776 tebi (Ti) 2^40
1 125 899 906 842 624 pebi (Pi) 2^50
1 152 921 504 606 846 976 exbi (Ei) 2^60
1 180 591 620 717 411 303 424 zebi (Zi) 2^70
1 208 925 819 614 629 174 706 176 yobi (Yi) 2^80

Bundled units

There are tons of units that are bundled in unit_measurements. You can check them out here.

Specifing units

By default, unit_measurements includes all unit groups automatically when you require the gem using:

require "unit_measurements"

You can skip these unit groups and only build your own unit groups by doing:

gem "unit_measurements", require: "unit_measurements/base"

You can also use unit groups in your application as per your need as:

gem "unit_measurements", require: ["unit_measurements/base", "unit_measurements/unit_groups/length"]

Building new unit groups

This library provides a simpler way to define your own unit groups. Use the UnitMeasurements.build method to define units within it. You can also group units by the unit system using the system method and set the primitive unit for each unit group using the primitive method.

UnitMeasurements::Time = UnitMeasurements.build do
  # Set primitive unit for the unit group (optional).
  primitive "s"

  # Group units by the unit system (optional).
  system :metric do
    # This will add unit `m` along with all decimal SI prefixes.
    si_unit "s", aliases: ["second", "seconds"]

    # This will add unit `B` along with all binary & decimal SI prefixes.
    si_unit "B", aliases: ["byte", "bytes"], add_binary_prefixes: true

    # Add units to the group, along with their conversion multipliers.
    unit "min", value: "60 s", aliases: ["hour", "hours"]

    # You can also specify unit value as an array.
    unit "h", value: [60, "min"], aliases: ["day", "days"]

All units allow aliases, as long as they are unique. Unit name can be used to define the unit as long as it is unique. All unit names are case sensitive.


All unit groups and their definition classes are namespaced by default, but can be aliased in your application.

Weight = UnitMeasurements::Weight
Length = UnitMeasurements::Length
Volume = UnitMeasurements::Volume


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Copyright 2023 Harshal V. LADHE, Released under the MIT License.