
An experimental templating library for generating source code.

Your templates can look like the source code you want to generate thanks to clever use of Ruby's flexible syntax.


Write templates in plain Ruby code

Pass a block to Cecil and use backticks (or use src if you prefer) to add lines of source code. Cecil will return your generated source code as a string.


model_code = Cecil::Code.generate_string do
  # strings in backticks get added to the document
  `import Model from '../model'`

  # multi-line strings work great. Cecil preserves their indentation.
  `class User extends Model {
    id: number
    name: string
    companyId: number | undefined

  # use #src if you prefer to avoid backticks
  src "export type Username = User['name']"

puts model_code


import Model from '../model'
class User extends Model {
  id: number
  name: string
  companyId: number | undefined
export type Username = User['name']

Interpolate values with low-noise syntax

Use #[] on the backticks to replace placeholders with actual values.

By default, placeholders start with $ and are followed by an identifier.

Positional arguments match up with placeholders in order. Named arguments match placeholders by name.


field = "user"
types = ["string", "string[]"]
default_value = ["SilentHaiku", "DriftingSnowfall"]
field_class = "Model"

Cecil::Code.generate_string do
  # positional arguments match placeholders by position
  `let $field: $FieldType = $default`[field, types.join('|'), default_value.sort.to_json]

  # named arguments match placeholders by name
  `let $field: $FieldClass<$Types> | null = new $FieldClass($default)`[
    field: field,
    FieldClass: field_class,
    Types: types.join('|'),
    default: default_value.sort.to_json


let user: string|string[] = ["DriftingSnowfall","SilentHaiku"]
let user: Model<string|string[]> | null = new Model(["DriftingSnowfall","SilentHaiku"])

Indents code blocks & closes brackets automatically

A block passed to #[] gets indented and open brackets get closed automatically.


model = "User"
field_name = "name"
field_default = "Unnamed"

Cecil::Code.generate_string do
  `class $Class extends Model {`[model] do
    # indentation is preserved
    `id: number`

    `override get $field() {`[field_name] do
      `return super.$field ?? $defaultValue`[field_name, field_default.to_json]
  end # the open bracket from `... Model {` gets closed with "}"


class User extends Model {
    id: number
    override get name() {
        return super.name ?? "Unnamed"

Emit code earlier or later in the file

content_for can be used to add content to a different location of your file without having to iterate through your data multitple times.

Call content_for(some_key) { ... } with key and a block to store content under the key you provide. Call content_for(some_key) with the key and no block to insert your stored content at that location.


models = [
  { name: 'User', inherits: 'AuthModel' },
  { name: 'Company', inherits: 'Model' },

Cecil::Code.generate_string do
  # insert content collected for :imports
  content_for :imports

  models.each do |model|
    `class $Class extends $SuperClass {`[model[:name], model[:inherits]] do
      `id: number`

    content_for :imports do
      # this gets inserted above
      `import $SuperClass from '../models/$SuperClass'`[SuperClass: model[:inherits]]

    content_for :registrations do
      # this gets inserted below
      `$SuperClass.registerAncestor($Class)`[model[:inherits], model[:name]]

  # insert content collected for :registrations
  content_for :registrations


import AuthModel from '../models/AuthModel'
import Model from '../models/Model'

class User extends AuthModel {
    id: number

class Company extends Model {
    id: number


Collect data as you go, then use it earlier in the document

The #defer method takes a block and waits to call it until the rest of the template is evaluated. The block's result is inserted at the location where #defer was called.

This gives a similar ability to #content_for, but is more flexible because you can collect any kind of data, not just source code.


models = [
  { name: 'User', inherits: 'AuthModel' },
  { name: 'Company', inherits: 'Model' },
  { name: 'Candidate', inherits: 'AuthModel' },

Cecil::Code.generate_string do
  superclasses = []

  defer do
    # This block gets called after the rest of the parent block is finished.
    # By the time this block is called, the `superclasses` array is full of data
    # Even though this block is called later, the output is added at the location where `defer` was called
    `import { $SuperClasses } from '../models'`[superclasses.uniq.sort.join(', ')]

  models.each do |model|
    superclasses << model[:inherits] # add more strings to `superclasses`, which is used in the block above

    `class $Class extends $SuperClass {}`[model[:name], model[:inherits]]


import { AuthModel, Model } from '../models'

class User extends AuthModel {}
class Company extends Model {}
class Candidate extends AuthModel {}

Use cases

Things I've personally used Cecil to generate:

  • serialization/deserialization code, generated from from specs (e.g. OpenAPI)
  • diagrams (e.g. Mermaid, PlantUML, and Dot/Graphviz) for ERDs/schemas, state machines, and data viz
  • state machines, generated from a list of states and transitions
  • test cases from lists of inputs and expected outputs; because parameterized tests can be very hard to debug
  • complex TypeScript classes and types, because meta-programming in TypeScript can get complex quickly



Gem can be installed from github. Once I'm ready to bother with version numbers and releases and such, then I'll publish to Rubygems.

From your shell:

bundle add cecil --github=nicholaides/cecil

Add it to your Gemfile like:

gem 'cecil', github: 'nicholaides/cecil'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/nicholaides/cecil.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.