
Have your cached methods refreshed asynchronously and automatically.

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CacheKeeper is a Rails gem that allows you to mark any method to be kept fresh in your cache. It uses ActiveJob to refresh the cache in the background, either on demand or periodically.


Add CacheKeeper to your Gemfile:

bundle add cache_keeper


CacheKeeper provides a caches method that will cache the result of the methods you give it:

class Recording < ApplicationRecord
  caches :slow_method, :really_slow_method, expires_in: 1.hour
  caches :incredibly_slow_method, expires_in: 2.hours, must_revalidate: true

  def slow_method

  def really_slow_method

  def incredibly_slow_method

It's automatically available in your ActiveRecord models and in your controllers. You can also use it in any other class by including CacheKeeper::Caching.

By default, it will immediately run the method call if it hasn't been cached before. The next time it is called, it will return the cached value if it hasn't expired yet. If it has expired, it will enqueue a job to refresh the cache in the background and return the stale value in the meantime. You can avoid returning stale values by setting must_revalidate: true in the options.

It's important to note that it will only work with methods that don't take any arguments.

Cache key

CacheKeeper will compose cache keys from the name of the method and the instance's cache_key if it's defined or the name of the class otherwise. You can pass a key option to customize the cache key if you need it. It accepts the same values as Rails.cache.fetch, as well as procs or lambdas in case you need access to the instance:

class NebulaNoodleTwister
  caches :twist_noodles, :dish_of_the_day, key: ->(method_name) { [:recoding, id, method_name] }
  caches :synchronize_taste_buds, key: -> { [:recoding, id, :synchronize_taste_buds] }
  caches :space_soup_simulation, key: :space_soup_simulation



CacheKeeper needs to pass the instance on which the cached method is called along to the refresh job. As any other job argument, ActiveJob requires it to be serializable. ActiveRecord instances are serializable by default, but controllers, POROs and other classes are not. CacheKeeper provides a serializer option that will work in most cases:

class QuantumQuackerator
  # Generate a new instance using an empty initializer (
  # Useful for controllers and for POROs with no arguments
  caches :slow_method, serializer: :new_instance

  # Replicate the old instance using Marshal.dump and Marshal.load
  # Useful in most other cases, but make sure the dump is not too big
  caches :slow_method, serializer: :marshal

If those options don't work for you, you can always write custom serializers for your classes.


CacheKeeper can be configured in an initializer, in any environment file or in your config/application.rb file. The following options are available:

Rails.application.configure do
  # If a stale entry is requested, refresh immediately instead of enqueuing a refresh job.
  # Default: false
  config.cache_keeper.must_revalidate = true

  # The queue to use for the refresh jobs.
  # Default: nil (uses the default queue)
  config.cache_keeper.queues.refresh = :low_priority


Running the tests
- You can run the whole suite with `./bin/test test/**/*_test.rb`


CacheKeeper is released under the MIT License.