This is plugin to add some useful tasks to rails.

# has .git folder
rake git:clear                      # Clear files in .gitignore
rake git:commit[comment]            # Git commit with your comment
rake git:pull                       # Git pull
rake git:push[comment]              # Git push with your comment

# has unicorn.rb
rake unicorn:restart                # Hot restart unicorn server
rake unicorn:start                  # Start unicorn server
rake unicorn:stop                   # Stop unicorn server

# has config/mongoid.yml
rake mongodb:start                  # Start Mongodb
rake mongodb:stop                   # Stop Mongodb
rake mongodb:dump                   # mongodump
rake mongodb:clear                  # Clear mongo folder
rake mongodb:restore                # mongorestore
rake mongodb:repair                 # Repair Mongodb

# has initializers/resque.rb
rake resque:clear                   # Clear Resque data
rake resque:debug                   # Start Resque for debug
rake resque:start                   # Start Resque daemon worker
rake resque:stop                    # Stop Resque worker
rake resque:web                     # Start Resque web interface

Getting Started

  1. adding gem to Gemfile

gem 'zfben_rails_rake'
  1. update bundle

bundle install
  1. try ‘rake -T`, and enjoy it :)

take -T