Devise - Yubikey Database Authentication

This extension to Devise adds a modified Database Authentication strategy to allow the authentication of a user with Two Factor Authentication provided by the Yubikey OTP token

This extension requires the used to already have a valid account and password and verifies that the user exists along with the password provided by verifying that the user presented a valid Yubikey OTP.


This plugin requires Rails 3.0.x and 3.1.x and Devise 1.3.4+. Additionally the Yubikey Ruby library found here is required.

The gem for the Yubikey library will need to be added to your Gemfile. To install the plugin add this plugin to your Gemfile.

gem 'yubikey_database_authenticatable'


Once the plugin is installed, all you need to do is setup the user model which includes a small addition to the model itself and to the schema.

The following needs to be added to the User module.

add_column :users, :useyubikey, :boolean
add_column :users, :registeredyubikey, :string

then finally add to the model:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base

  devise :yubikey_database_authenticatable, :trackable, :timeoutable

  # Setup accessible (or protected) attributes for your model
  attr_accessible :useyubikey, :registeredyubikey, :yubiotp

  attr_accessor :yubiotp

  def registeredyubikey=(yubiotp)
    write_attribute(:registeredyubikey, yubiotp[0..11])


Copyright (c) 2011 Stephen Kapp, Released under MIT License