
This is a ruby gem to search in Ruby models as ActiveRecord::Base and ActiveResources::Base.

Beta notes: The search is temporarily working as “contains” clauses.


In your Gemfile, add the following line of code: <pre>gem ‘yep_searchable’</pre>


### ActiveRecord Search In your ActiveRecord model, add this line of code: <pre>searchable_resource searchable_columns: [:name, :notes]</pre>

For example: “‘ruby class Brand < ActiveRecord::Base

searchable_resource searchable_columns: [:name]

end “‘

“‘ruby class Car < ActiveRecord::Base

searchable_resource searchable_columns: [:model, :color]

belongs_to :brand

end “‘

### ActiveResource Search Your ActiveResource must implement YepSearchable::YepResource, like this:

“‘ruby class Brand < YepSearchable::YepResource

self.site = ""

end “‘

In YepResource you have two new attributes: “‘ruby

self.search_path = "search_resource" # this is the default value
self.search_ids_path = "search_ids" # this is the default value


For each of this path you must create an route and an action on source controller. Example:

“‘ruby class BrandController < ApplicationController

# GET /brands/search_resource
def search_resource
  @brands = Brand.search(params[:query])

  render json: @brands

# GET /brands/search_ids
def search_ids
  ids = Brand.search_only_ids(params[:query])

  render json: ids

end “‘

### Declaring relations between ActiveRecord and YepResource Once you search for “Ferrari” you are expect to receive the cars branded by Ferrari. So in your ActiveRecord “searchable_resource” declaration, you should add the following option: “‘ruby searchable_resource searchable_columns: [:name, :notes], yep_resources: [:brand, foreign_key: :brand_id] “`

In this case, if you search like this: “‘ruby Car.search(“ferrari”) “`

The result will be all cars that contain “Ferrari” in the model, color or the brand_id equal for the brands that contains “ferrari” in the name. Comparing to an SQL command, is something like: “‘sql SELECT * FROM cars WHERE cars.model LIKE ’%FERRARI%‘ OR cars.color LIKE ’%FERRARI%‘ –here is the trick OR (cars.brand_id IN (SELECT id FROM brands WHERE brands.name LIKE ’%FERRARI%‘)); “`

##Usage The yep_searchable gem provide differents way for search. You can give more than one parameter or not propagate the search. The examples will describe the gem methods.

### Searching

  • You can search with more than one parameter:

“‘ruby Car.search(“ferrari”, “red”) # this will look for all cars that contain “ferrari” or “red” in the name, color or brand name “`

  • You are able to not propagate the search, the search will not look for the relations:

“‘ruby Car.search(false, “red”) # this will look for all cars that contain “red” in the name or color BUT WILL NOT SEARCH FOR BRANDS THAT CONTAINS “RED” IN THE NAME “`

### Searching only IDS

  • You can search only the model ids using the method “search_only_ids”:

“‘ruby Car.search_only_ids(“ferrari”, “red”) # this will look for all cars ids that contain “ferrari” or “red” in the name, color or brand name “`

  • As the normal search, you can propagate the search or not:

“‘ruby Car.search_only_ids(false, “red”) # this will look for all cars ids that contain “red” in the name or color BUT WILL NOT SEARCH FOR BRANDS THAT CONTAINS “RED” IN THE NAME “`

### Pagination

  • You can paginate your search using the method “search_by_page”, the search by page method have the following parameters:

  • only_ids - default false

  • page_number - default nil

  • number_of_rows - default nil - number of rows per page

  • propagate - default true


“‘ruby Car.search_by_page(false, 1, 30, true, “ferrari”, “red”) # this will look for the first page, 30 cars # that contain “ferrari” or “red” in the name, color or brand name “`

### Is searchable resource?

  • The YepSearchable gem provides the capability to check if a Model is searchable by the method “is_searchable_resource?”


“‘ruby Car.is_searchable_resource? # => true Motorcycle.is_searchable_resource? # => false “`