Yell - Your Extensible Logging Library


System wide:

gem install yell

Or in your Gemfile:

gem 'yell'


On the basics, Yell works just like any other logging library. However, it tries to make your log mesages more readable. By default, it will format the given message as follows:

logger = STDOUT "Hello World"
#=> "2012-02-29T09:30:00+01:00 [ INFO] 65784 : Hello World"
#    ^                         ^       ^       ^
#    ISO8601 Timestamp         Level   Pid     Message

When no arguments are given, Yell will check for ENV['RACK_ENV'] and determine the filename from that.

Alternatively, you may define ENV['YELL_ENV'] to set the filename. If neither YELL_ENV or RACK_ENV is defined, 'development' will be the default. Also, if a log directory exists, Yell will place the file there (only if you have not passed a filename explicitly.

Naturally, if you pass a :filename to Yell:

logger = 'yell.log'

Please refer to the wiki for further usage examples:

Copyright © 2011-2012 Rudolf Schmidt, released under the MIT license