== ydocx by ywesee GmbH

* https://github.com/zdavatz/ydocx
* Parsing docx files with Ruby and output them as HTML and XML.

== Supports

* Tables
* Uppercase letters, numbers
* Lowercase letters, numbers
* Umlaute
* bold, italic, underline
* Images
** wmf requires imagemagick and is only partially supported due to imagemagick
** png files are copied 1:1

* works on Windows as well.

== Usage

* Usage: docx2html file [options]
-f, --format Format of style and chapter (fi|fachinfo)|(pi|patinfo)|(pl|plain)|none, default fachinfo.
-h, --help Display this help message.
-l, --lang Language option for templates de|fr
-v, --version Show version.

== Using the great libraries

* rubyzip (< 1.0.0)
* nokogiri
* htmlentities
* RMagick

Install them using bundle install.

Requires Ruby >= 1.9.2.


For unknown reason the gem fails to parse properly the Présentation for sinovial_fr.
Failing spec is: ydocx should convert sinovial_FR to xml
Failure/Error: doc.xpath('//chapters/chapter[contains(heading, "Présentation")]').size.should > 0

== License GPLv3.0

* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html