Yandex Captcha

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Ruby wrapper for Yandex Cleanweb spam detector.

Unfortunatelly, this gem is not capable with MRI 1.8.7 because of MRI 1.8.7 doesn't have URI.encode_www_form method.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'yandex_captcha', '~> 0.4.3'


gem 'yandex_captcha', github: 'merqlove/yandex-captcha'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install yandex_captcha

This gem can be used as Rails Engine or Sinatra Extension.


  • Rails 3.2+ (Rails 4 also checked)
  • Sinatra 1.4+


Get the api key:

Configuration options

Name Value
api_key Yandex.CleanWeb API key. (default nil)
captcha_type (optional) Type of captcha (std,estd,lite,elite,rus,latl,elatl,latu,elatu,latm, elatm). (default std)
api_server_url (optional) Yandex.CleanWeb API server URL. (default
skip_verify_env (optional) Custom error provider for non ajax mode. (default ['test', 'cucumber'])
handle_timeouts_gracefull (optional) Graceful error's on timeouts. (default true)
current_env (optional) Current environment (default `ENV['RACK_ENV']


# Rails routes
mount YandexCaptcha::Engine, at: '/yandex_captcha/'
# or
mount YandexCaptcha::Engine, at: '/'

# Sinatra
register YandexCaptcha::Sinatra

# Configuration
YandexCaptcha.configure do |config|
  config.api_key = "your_key"

In Views

captcha_tag options

Name Value
:ajax (optional) Ajaxify your captcha, don't wait for it on any page. (default false)
:noscript (optional) Adding wrap around captcha. Works only for non ajax mode. (default false)
:error (optional) Custom error provider for non ajax mode. (default flash or nil)


<form action="/path" method="POST">
  <%= captcha_tags ajax:true %>
  <input type="submit" value="Submit" />


<%= form_tag some_response_path do %>
  <%= captcha_tags ajax:true %>
  <%= submit_tag 'Submit' %>
<% end %>

In Controllers

valid_captcha? options

Name Value
:captcha_id Yandex.CleanWeb captcha id. (default nil)
:value User response value. (default nil)
:request_id (optional) Some unique request id (default nil)

get_captcha options

Name Value
:request_id (optional) Some unique request id (default nil)


# Rails / Sinatra / or if you included helpers
if valid_captcha?(params[:captcha_response_id], params[:captcha_response_field])
  # some

# Long way
if YandexCaptcha::Verify.valid_captcha?(params[:captcha_response_id], params[:captcha_response_field])
  # some

Other examples

# Helpers
spam?("just phrase")
  => false

# Methods
YandexCaptcha::Verify.spam?("just phrase")
  => false

YandexCaptcha::Verify.spam?(body_plain: "my text", ip: "")
  => false

YandexCaptcha::Verify.spam?(body_html: "some spam <a href=''>spam link</a>")
  => { id: "request id", links: [ ['', true] ] }

More complex example

user_input = "download free porn <a>...</a>"
if spam_check = YandexCaptcha::Verify.spam?(user_input, ip: current_user.ip)
  captcha = YandexCaptcha::Verify.get_captcha(spam_check[:id])

  # now you can show captcha[:url] to user
  # but remember to write captcha[:captcha] to session

  # to check is captcha enterred by user is valid:
  captcha_valid = YandexCaptcha::Verify.valid_captcha?(result[:id], captcha[:captcha], user_captcha)

If you use Yandex Captcha in Rails app, we recommend to set up the api key in config/initializers/yandex_captcha.rb


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Special respect to Evrone which gem yandex-cleanweb include most of code in lib/yandex_captcha/verify.rb and some examples on this page.