YahooFinance library

YahooFinance lib is a gem that fetches stock quotes, key statistics, company profile, company events, and analyst opinion from Yahoo (TM) API and financial HTML pages. Additionally, it has interfaces for historical data, and financial statements. The loading of stock quotes uses the excellent nas/yahoo_stock gem. This gem provides a 'unified' attribute based interface, and abstracts the source of the information, i.e. the user only needs to specify an attribute without the need to specify the page source of the attribute. This gem leverages to the highest extend possible the YahooStock (yahoo_stock_nas) gem for all the attributes provided by that gem, and fails over to HTML scraping when the data is unavailable there. Naturally, this has an implication on performance; YahooStock queries bundle 50 stocks in each query, whereas HTML scraping happens one page per stock at a time.

This gem is currently still in development. HTML scraping now supports many attributes from Key Statistics, supports earnings announcements from the Company Events page, and most attributes from Analyst Opinion -- additional pages will be added as I find time.
Caveat: HTML parsing is susceptible to HTML encoding of Yahoo Finance pages; when these pages change, parsing will break. Core Yahoo API attributes from YahooStock will entirely depend on YahooStock continuing to support the Yahoo APIs.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'yahoo_finance_lib'

And then execute:

$ bundle update

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install yahoo_finance_lib

Test Before You Use

Web pages get occasionally updated -- updates could break any or all of the classes in the gem. Do not use any classes that don't pass the RSpec tests. To test, run the rspec tests from the root directory:

    rspec -c -f d



    require 'yahoo_finance'

    stock =['AAPL', 'YHOO'], [:market_cap, :bid, :brokers_count, :upgrades_downgrades_history])
    # look at available fields you could fetch with this library


    results = stock.fetch
    aapl_bid = results["AAPL"][:bid]
    yhoo_last = results["YHOO"][:last_trade_price_only]

A simple interface using yahoo_stock to fetch history. It returns history as an array of hashes, e.g.

    require 'yahoo_finance'
    require 'date'

    start_date = - 30
    history ='AAPL', start_date) # when you don't specify end date, end date = today - 1

A simple interface to scrape financial statements - Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow. It can fetch either quarterly or annual data, and it returns the value in a hash. e.g.

    require 'yahoo_finance'

    income_stmt = 'YHOO'
    result = income_stmt.fetch
    most_recent_qtr = income_stmt.statement_periods[0]
    available_fields = income_stmt.available_fields

    puts "Net income for the most recent quarter ending on #{most_recent_qtr.to_s} is #{result[:net_income][0]}"

The classes for the financial statement are: QuarterlyIncomeStatementPage, AnnualIncomeStatementPage, AnnualBalanceSheetPage, QuarterlyBalanceSheetPage, QuarterlyCashFlowStatementPage, AnnualCashFlowStatementPage

!-- ## Contributing

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request -->