
Yahm is a hash to hash translator for ruby.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'yahm'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install yahm



Most basic example

require "yahm"

mapping = Yahm::Mapping.new do
  map "/foo", to: "/bar"

mapping.apply_to({foo: 1})
# => {:bar=>1}

More advanced examples

require "yahm"

class Record

  def initialize(hash)
    @record = mapping.apply_to(hash)


  def lookup_id(id)
    # ...

  def mapping
    @mapping ||= Yahm::Mapping.new(context: self) do
      map "/record/id",          to: "/id", processed_by: lambda { |id| lookup_id(id) }
      map "/record/count",       to: "/count", processed_by: proc { |count| count.to_i }
      map "/record/subject[0]",  to: "/subjects/most_important_subject"
      map "/record/languages[]", to: "/languages", force_array: true
      map "/record/authors",     to: "/authors", split_by: ";"
      map "/record/version",     to: "/version", default: 1
      map "/record/label",       to: lambda { |label, result| result[:label] = label }

Record.new({ ... })
=> { :id => "...", :count => ..., :subjects => { :most_important_subject => "..."}, ... }

Mapping options


Something that responds to a method call, e.g. a class. Is used the resolve undefined methods of lambdas/procs.

use_threads: [true|false] [experimental]

Use a thread pool to execute to rules of a mapping. The current implementation is very naiv. No locking of shared data etc. Use this only if you know what you are doing and if your rules a complex enough to compensate the overhead introduced by threading.

thread_pool_size: [number] [experimental]

The number of threads used to execute rules if use_threads: true.

Per rule options

to: [string|lambda|proc]

The to option of a mapping rule can either be a string, naming the path in the resultung hash or a lambda/proc, which is executed within the created mapper. When a context option was supplied to #new or apply_to methods are also resolved against this scope.

default: [value]

If a value would be nil and default is given, the default value is used instead of nil.

force_array: [true|false]

This ensures, that the value written in the result ist always a hash. Even when the result would be nil, an empty array is created.

processed_by: [lambda|proc]

You can pass a lambda/proc as processed_by option. Inside of lambdas or procs, self corresponds to the context of the defined mapper. When a context option was supplied to #new or apply_to methods are also resolved against this scope.

split_by: [string]

If a value is a string and split_by is supplied, the string is splitted by the given character and an array would be returned.


  1. Fork it ( http://github.com/ubpb/yahm/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request