Supporting MM version: 0.0.x

MM is a development console integrating with Mingle( by Mingle REST API.

MM has the following features, some of which is integrating with Mingle:

  • run transition on card

  • view card list | card

  • commit code with running transition

  • simple todo tasks tool

  • card/view context

  • remember your context history

  • do your job by selecting item from list

  • integrating with terminal console: run console command directly


The latest version of MM can be found at


GEM Installation

Run the following if you haven’t already:

gem sources -a

Install the gem:

sudo gem install xli-mm

Example Log

% mingle> story 5079> fix
% mm: <b>Complete Fix</b> is not applicable to Card #5079.
% mingle> story 5079> transitions
% 0) add story to internal release theme
% 1) Complete Development
% 2) move to 200
% ! > Type index number to select item from list.
% mingle> story 5079> 1
% mingle> story 5079> #5079
% #5079 Allow admin to update transition only property values - but preserve the use of automated transitions on the grid view
% mingle> story 5079> properties
% --- 
% :"pre-development estimate": "1"
% :"analysis started on": 2008-09-17
% :"pre-release estimate": "2"
% :"dev completed on": 2008-09-23
% :"dev started on": 2008-09-22
% :"Release Priority": must
% :"internal release": 6615
% :"story status": ready for signoff
% :release: "2.1"
% :"added to scope on": 2008-09-17
% :"internal release theme": 6693
% :"analysis completed on": 2008-09-18
% mingle> story 5079>


MM is available under an Apache License Version 2.0.


The MM homepage is

Feel free to submit commits or feature requests. If you send a patch, remember to update the corresponding unit tests. If fact, I prefer new feature to be submitted in the form of new unit tests.

For other information, feel free to contact [email protected].


Type “mm” to launch the console.

Other stuff


Li Xiao <[email protected]>


Ruby 1.8.6 or later


Copyright 2008 by Li Xiao. Released under an Apache License Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file included in the distribution.


This software is provided “as is” and without any express or implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantibility and fitness for a particular purpose.