
This is a javascript dependent forum that is relatively light weight.  It's unique feature is that it supports multiple language posting and ask the user community to translate the various posting from other users.

You'd be a bit crazy to use it now at v.0000000001 since this is my first attempt:)

include gem 'xforum' in you gem file

bundle install

 in your config/routes
	mount Xforum::Engine => '/xforum', as: 'xforum'

To use as a partial in you page

In application.js
	//= require xforum/application.js
in application.css (or css.scss)
 	*= require xforum/application.css.scss

<label id="gotoforum" class='nav-label'><%= t('Forum')%></label>
add this javascript so we can hide the area you want hidden when the forum is up

function showPageName() {
  "use strict";
  return 'the-ID-of-div-to-hide';

you have to provide your own translation for the label
add this where you want the page to display
<div class="row" id="forum-page" style='display: none;'>
  <%=render partial: 'xforum/forums/forum' %>

to use as a separate page.    Create a link to xforum/forums/the_page

create xforum_init.rb in config/initializers
	include in it these two lines
Xforum.user_class='User'  or whatever you user class is e.g. Member
Xforum.user_table='users' or whatever you user table is e.g. members

rake xforum:install:migrations

rake db:migrate

in your user model
	require 'xforum/user_include.rb'

You now have access to the instance methods Xforum in you model.


Set ENV variables
XFORUM_S3_BUCKET:             your_bucket_name
XFORUM_PHOTOS:                path_to_photos
XFORUM_USE_S3:                true
XFORUM_LANGUAGES:             en;es   (list of languages you want active at start.)
						(for a single language forum don't include the variable)

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE. This is a javascript dependent forum that is relatively light weight. It’s unique feature is that it supports multiple language posting and ask the user community to translate the various posting from other users.

You’d be a bit crazy to use it now at v.000001 since this is my first attempt:)

usage include gem in you gem file gem ‘xforum’ bundle install

in your config/routes

mount Xforum::Engine => ‘/xforum’, as: ‘xforum’

To use as a partial in you page

In application.js //= require xforum/application.js in application.css (or css.scss)

	*= require xforum/application.css.scss

add a label so we know to open the forum <label id=“gotoforum” class=‘nav-label’><%= t(‘Forum’)%></label> add this javascript so we can hide the area you want hidden when the forum is up

function showPageName() { “use strict”; return ‘the-ID-of-div-to-hide’; }

you have to provide your own translation for the label add this where you want the page to display <div class=“row” id=“forum-page” style=‘display: none;’>

		<%=render partial: 'xforum/forums/forum' %>


to use as a separate page. Create a link to xforum/forums/the_page

create xforum_init.rb in config/initializers include in it these two lines Xforum.user_class=‘User’ or whatever you user class is e.g. Member Xforum.user_table=‘users’ or whatever you user table is e.g. members

rake xforum:install:migrations rake db:migrate

in your user model require ‘xforum/user_include.rb’

You now have access to the instance methods Xforum in you model.

forum_reading_privileges? forum_translating_privileges? forum_posting_privileges? forum_admin?

Set ENV variables XFORUM_S3_BUCKET: your_bucket_name XFORUM_PHOTOS: path_to_photos XFORUM_S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID: XFORUM_S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: XFORUM_USE_S3: true XFORUM_LANGUAGES: en;es (list of languages you want active at start.) (for a single language forum don’t include the variable)