Web RI

Webrick-based RI browser


WebRI can be used to browse the entire installed object system –eveything documented in one of the central RI locations.

WebRI can also be used (and this is probably more useful) to browse per-project RI documentation. Simply generate the RI docs by navigating to the projects root directory and running:

rdoc --ri --op "doc/ri" lib

Sometimes a package will include a convenience script for generating these. Try running ‘rake -T’, or look for a ‘script/’ or ‘task/’ executable that does the job. Usually the generated documentation is placed in either ri/ or doc/ri/. I will use doc/ri/ in the following example, sicen that is my preference. Adjust your directory as needed.

Now run:

wri doc/ri

You will see a Webrick server start up, informing you of the port being used.

[2008-03-28 12:11:16] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
[2008-03-28 12:11:16] INFO  ruby 1.8.6 (2007-06-07) [x86_64-linux]
[2008-03-28 12:11:21] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=8870 port=8888

In this example we see the port is the default 8888. Simply open your browser and navigate to:


On the left side of the screen you will see a navigation tree, and the right side contans an infromation panel.


gem install wri


WebRI, Copyright (c) 2008 Tiger Ops

WebRi is licensed under then terms of Ruby.