Workarea Hover Zoom

Hover Zoom plugin for the Workarea commerce platform adds zoom capabilities (desktop/mobile) on your product primary images.


New Build

This plugin is intended to be fairly automatic and will work out of the box if you are making a new build.

The only thing you will have to do is to remove the data-dialog-button attached to the container .product-details__primary-image in workarea/storefront/products/templates/_generic.html.haml.

In the Workarea platform we call that "Overriding a View".

Custom Build

If you are not creating a new build and you have already made some customisation on it, we will have to dig a bit.

The plugin assumes the container .product-details__primary-image exists (this can be tweaked in the configuration) and contains the following tags: <a>, <img>.

Example markup:

<div class="product-details__primary-image">
    <!-- /zoom.jpg is the asset used by the plugin as the zoom image -->
    <a href="/zoom.jpg">
        <img class="product-details__primary-image-link-image" src="/detail.jpg">

Example markup after initialization of the plugin:

<div class="product-details__primary-image">
   <!-- Link used as a container -->
    <a class="hover-zoom__container" href="/zoom.jpg" style="overflow: hidden;">
        <img src="/detail.jpg">

        <!-- Zoom image added -->
        <img src="/zoom.jpg" role="presentation" style="opacity: 0; top: -219.917px; left: -136.677px; position: absolute; width: 670px; height: 1006px; border: none; max-width: none; max-height: none;">


If any of this configuration needs adjustment, feel free to make changes in your project-specific storefront config file. Your project's config file should be loaded after the "Configuration" section of the manifest:

// application.js.erb manifest


# Configuration
).each do |asset|
  require_asset asset

# Project Specific Configuration
require_asset 'workarea/storefront/my_project_config'


And you should override and modify the hover-zoom configuration in your Project's Config file, as needed:

// in my_project_config.js


WORKAREA.config.hoverZooms = {
    primaryImageContainer: '.selector'


Available configuration variables
Variable Description Default
primaryImageContainer The container where the zoom system will be initialized .product-details__primary-image


This plugin is acting as an orchestrator of two jQuery plugins:

Therefore if you need more flexibility you can come up with your own solution without re-inventing the wheel.

Getting Started

This gem contains a Rails engine that must be mounted onto a host Rails application.

Then add the gem to your application's Gemfile specifying the source:

# ...
gem 'workarea-hover_zoom'
# ...

Update your application's bundle.

cd path/to/application

Workarea Platform Documentation

See for Workarea platform documentation.


Workarea Hover Zoom is released under the Business Software License