Workarea Admin API

Part of the Workarea API, the Admin API is used for programmatic access to your Workarea application's data model. It's designed to be "auto-extending", so that when you add or change fields in your Workarea models, those fields will be available for use in the API. This part of the Workarea API is primarily used for external services integration, such as with order management systems, enterprise resource planners, or email service providers, and provides detailed order and shipping information to such systems.


  • Swagger integration with an implementation of the API in OAS 2.0
  • Basic CRUD actions for core Workarea models
  • Bulk "Upsert" functionality for importing multiple records in the same HTTP PATCH request.

Getting Started

To use this plugin, install the workarea-api gem.

For more information on the API as a whole, and to learn how to set up the API plugin, consult the main README.


The Admin API secures itself using basic HTTP authentication. It authenticates with the same email address and password used to login to the admin. You will also need the API access permissions enabled for your account. This can be done in the permissions tab of the user edit page in the admin. You can also do this in the Rails console by enabling the api_access field on the user:

To make requests to the Admin API, ensure your user has API access permissions. This can be changed in the "Permissions" tab of the "Edit User" page in the admin, or within the rails console using the following code:

Workarea::User.find_by_email('[email protected]').update!(api_access: true)

(NOTE: Super-admins will automatically have this access)

The Admin API uses HTTP Basic Authentication to authorize client requests, with the format email:password. You can provide these details in an Authorization header, encoded in Base64...

Authorization: Basic eW91cnVzZXJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb206UGFzc3dvcmQhMQ==\n

Or, in the URL, with requests made like:

https://[email protected]:[email protected]/api/orders.json

Unlike the Storefront API, all Admin API endpoints are protected behind authentication.


Workarea's Admin API implements the OpenAPI Specification for integration with Swagger tools, IPaaS solutions like Cenit or Boomi, and anything else that speaks OpenAPI. This can be accessed at your API's /api/admin/swagger.json endpoint, for example https://[email protected]:[email protected]/api/swagger.json. Point your Swagger client to this endpoint to be able to use and browse the Swagger documentation for our API.


Workarea Commerce Platform is released under the Business Software License