Workarea A11y

A Workarea Commerce plugin that integrates Deque's aXe Accessibility Engine into your project's test suite, failing tests for pages that are found containing WCAG offenses.

Currently this plugin:

  • is not configurable
  • only checks against Storefront
  • will fail CI builds until offenses are fixed
  • will fail your local tests until offenses are fixed
  • works for all versions of Workarea greater-than or equal to v3.0.0

This plugin is also intended to be used in tandem with the aXe Chrome Developer Tools which can give you much more insight into what's going on when you're trying to debug the offenses.

Getting Started

Add the gem to your application's Gemfile:

# ...
gem 'workarea-ally'
# ...

Update your application's bundle.

cd path/to/application


Install this plugin and run:

bin/rails workarea:test:storefront

Or push your branch up to your project's remote repository and check the CI build.


The aXe Chrome Developer Tools are run by the developer on-demand, which can differ from the automatic approach taken by this plugin. This means that your results may vary when using both approaches in tandem. The Developer Tools will often uncover more offenses than the test suite integration so it is recommended that both be used.

The Developer Tools can also be affected by other Chrome extensions. For example, the LastPass Chrome Extension will apply an overlay to inputs of type 'email' to show the user that LastPass may be able to interact with the field. Using the Developer Tools, aXe will throw a warning because of this, since it is run manually after the page and LastPass have loaded, whereas the test integration will not have the LastPass extension loaded.

This plugins is also only able to test pages that the test suite covers. In this way it acts quite similarly to the v3.2.0 Duplicate ID checker feature in Workarea.

Be sure to keep these gotchas in mind while you work to stay efficient while working through the reported offenses.

Workarea Commerce Documentation

See for Workarea Commerce documentation.


Workarea A11Y is released under the Business Software License