
add some useful methods to core class for rails project


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "wnm_support"

And then execute:

$ bundle


Core extentions

1.to_b # => true
1.to_b # => false

true.to_i # => 1
false.to_i # => 0

"123".is_integer? # => true
"123ad".is_integer? # => false

"one more something".max_words(2, "..") # => "one more.."

"some".to_a # => ["some"]
1.to_a # => [1]

[ ["k1", "v1"], ["k2", "v2"] ].map_to_hash{|item| {item.first => item.last} } # => {"k1" => "v1", "k2" => "b2"}

[1,2,3,4].halved # => [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ]

Active record extensions

# helpers
class News < ActiveRecord::Base
  attribute_accessor :name

  def short_name
    helpers.truncate(name) # you can access any view helper methods by calling helpers

# truncate
News.truncate # destroy all records in database, without calling any callbacks

# order be field
News.create!(:name => "first") # id => 1
News.create!(:name => "second") # id => 2
News.create!(:name => "third") # id => 3

news = News.order_by_field(:id, [2, 3, 1])
news[0] # news record with id = 2
news[1] # news record with id = 3
news[2] # news record with id = 1

# multi actions
News.multi # => [] # every model has this method, you can define there multi action on more models

# destroy validation
item = News.create!(:name => "new item")
item.destroy # => false
item.can_destroy? # => false

class News < ActiveRecord::Base
  def can_destroy?
    name == "new item"

item = News.find_by_name("new item")
item.can_destroy? # => true
item.destroy # => true

View helpers

bool_to_human true # => "yes"
bool_to_human false # => "no"
bool_to_human nil # => "no"

bool_to_human_with_empty true # => "yes"
bool_to_human_with_empty false # => "no"
bool_to_human_with_empty nil # => ""

url = youtube_prepare_url("youtube.com/watch?v=lala")
url # => "youtube.com/v/lala"

video = youtube_video(url, 100, 200)
video # => <object width='100' height='200'><param url='youtube.com/v/lala'>...</object>


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request