Windows Remote Management (WinRM) for Ruby

This is a SOAP library that uses the functionality in Windows Remote Management(WinRM) to call native object in Windows. This includes, but is not limitted to, running batch scripts, powershell scripts and fetching WMI variables. For more information on WinRM, please visit Microsoft’s WinRM site:

My Info: BLOG: Add me in LinkedIn: Find me on in #ruby-lang (zenChild)

Version 1.0.0rc1

This is a release candidate of the new version 1 code for Ruby WinRM. It is almost a complete re-write from the previous version to support some of the following major feature additions:

  1. GSSAPI support: This is the default way that Windows authenticates and secures WinRM messages. In order for this to work the computer you are connecting to must be a part of an Active Directory domain and you must have local credentials via kinit. GSSAPI support is dependent on the gssapi gem which only supports the MIT Kerberos libraries at this time.

    If you are using this method there is no longer a need to change the WinRM service authentication settings. You can simply do a ‘winrm quickconfig’ on your server or enable WinRM via group policy and everything should be working.

  2. Multi-Instance support: The SOAP back-end has been completely gutted and is now using some of the Savon core libraries for parsing and building packets. Moving away from Handsoap allows multiple instances to be created because the SOAP backend is no longer a Singleton type class.


Thanks to Seth Chisamore ( of Opscode for his input and patches.

INSTALL: gem install -r winrm .. on the server ‘winrm quickconfig’ as admin

USE: require ‘winrm’

EXAMPLE: require ‘winrm’ endpoint = mywinrmhost:5985/wsman krb5_realm = ‘EXAMPLE.COM’ winrm =, :kerberos, :realm => krb5_realm) winrm.cmd(‘ipconfig /all’) do |stdout, stderr|

STDOUT.print stdout
STDERR.print stderr



PLAINTEXT:, :plaintext, :user => myuser, :pass => mypass)
# Same but force basic authentication, :plaintext, :user => myuser, :pass => mypass, :basic_auth_only => true)

SSL:, :ssl, :user => myuser, :pass => mypass)
# Same but force basic authentication, :ssl, :user => myuser, :pass => mypass, :basic_auth_only => true)

KERBEROS:, :kerberos, :realm => 'MYREALM.COM')

DISCLAIMER: If you see something that could be done better or would like to help out in the development of this code please feel free to clone the ‘git’ repository and send me patches: git clone git:// or add an issue on GitHub:


Thurs : #9 5:30-6:30