
A redefinition of the File::Stat class for MS Windows.


* ffi
* Ruby 1.9 or later


gem install win32-file-stat


# require 'win32/file/stat' # Unwise. See below.
require 'win32/file' # Preferred. See below.

stat ='file.txt')
p stat.size
p stat.readonly?
p stat.hidden?
p stat.uid 
p stat.streams

Differences between Ruby’s File::Stat and this version:

* The File::Stat#blksize method returns a meaningful value.
* The File::Stat#blockdev method works more accurately.
* The File::Stat#blocks method returns a meaningful value.
* The File::Stat#executable? method works properly.
* The File::Stat#executable_real? is an alias for File::Stat#executable?
* The File::Stat#file? method works properly.
* The File::Stat#ftype method works more accurately.
* The File::Stat#pipe method works properly.
* The File::Stat#socket method works more accurately.
* The File::Stat#ino method now returns a file identifier.
* The File::Stat#symlink? method works properly.
* The File::Stat#uid method returns a meaningful value.
* The File::Stat#gid method returns a meaningful value.
* The File::Stat#owned? method now works properly.
* The File::Stat#grpowned? method now works properly.
* The File::Stat#rdev method returns the volume serial number.
* The inspect and pretty print output has been customized.
* The File::Stat#streams was added. Returns an array of alt streams.

Changes between this version and the previous versions.

* The File::Stat#dev method has reverted to returning a drive number by
  default. However, you can pass an optional boolean argument to make it
  return the drive letter instead.

Known issues

You should not require 'win32/file/stat' directly. Instead, require the
win32-file library which will, in turn, require win32-file-stat. This is
the preferred approach because some modules (i.e. 'find') use the pass-through
methods of the File class, such as File.lstat.  Many of the pass through
methods have been redefined in the win32-file library to work in conjunction
with the custom File::Stat objects created by this library.

Failure to follow these instructions could lead to cases where the core Ruby
File class attempts to use the custom File::Stat object defined in this class,
and that will likely cause problems.

If run in verbose mode you will see a warning about initialize being
redefined. I can do nothing about that since my old trick of aliasing and
undefining initialize now causes a warning as well!

Known bugs

None that I'm aware of beyond the "Known Issues" listed above. Please report
any bugs you find on the project page at:


I had to require 'pp' explicitly in order to deal with the fact that pp.rb
has a builtin pretty_print method for File::Stat. If I didn't do this
you would end up using the pretty_print in pp.rb, which would break.


Although this library is free, please consider having your company
setup a gittip if used by your company professionally.
(C) 2003-2014, Daniel J. Berger, All Rights Reserved.


Artistic 2.0


This library is provided "as is" and without any express or
implied warranties, including, without limitation, the implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.


Daniel J. Berger
Park Heesob