
Bulma Pagination Component

This gem integrates the Bulma pagination component with the will_paginate pagination gem.

Supports Bulma 0.4.2


  • gem install will_paginate-bulma, or
  • For projects using Bundler, add gem 'will_paginate-bulma' to your Gemfile (and then run bundle install).



  1. To work with Hanami, you'll need to bundle a fork of will_paginate at phoffer/will_paginate with the hanami branch. (Hopefully it will be merged soon!)
  2. Add the helper to the app you want to use will_paginate in application.rb. This enables will_pagination in Hanami.
  3. To render, use BulmaPagination::Hanami as the renderer.
# apps/web/application.rb
view.prepare do
  include WillPaginate::Hanami
# rendering
<%= will_paginate collection, renderer: BulmaPagination::Hanami %>


  1. Load the Bulma CSS in your template.
  2. In your view, use the renderer: BulmaPagination::Rails option with the will_paginate helper, for example:
<%= will_paginate @collection, renderer: BulmaPagination::Rails %>


  1. Load the Bulma CSS in your template.
  2. require "will_paginate-bulma" in your Sinatra app.
  3. In your view, use the renderer: BulmaPagination::Sinatra option with the will_paginate helper, for example:
<%= will_paginate @collection, renderer: BulmaPagination::Sinatra %>


  1. Fork it.
  2. Create a branch (git checkout -b my_markup)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am "Cool new feature")
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my_markup)
  5. Open a [Pull Request][1]

Special Thanks

This gem code was based on will_paginate-foundation by Adrian Rangel (@acrogenesis).


The MIT License (MIT)