Top Level Namespace

Defined Under Namespace

Classes: MediaWiki

Constant Summary collapse

Wikipedia =

The Wikipedia constant allows the use of Wikipedia’s Query API from Ruby The wrapping is incomplete and the interface will be cleaned up as work is done.


The simplest case is just finding pages by title. The Wikipedia API allows requests to be on multiple titles or ids, so this wrapping returns an array of pages

require 'wikipedia'
page = Wikipedia.find_by_titles('Foo').pages.first
page.title #=> "Foo"

Pages can also be found based on pageid

page = Wikipedia.find_by_pageids(10).pages.first
page.title #=> "AccessibleComputing"

Further API options can be specified in the optional second parameter to find_by_*. This can be used to limit the fetching of unnecessary data

page = Wikipedia.find_by_titles('Foo', :prop => [:langlinks]).pages.first
page.langlinks #=> ["da", "fi", "it", "no", "sl", "vi"]"")