WFS Rails

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WFS Rails is a Rails engine for testing and development with Stanford's DOR Worklow Services.

The Rails engine stubs several of the most frequently used Workflow Services routes (but not all of them). See config/routes.rb for implemented routes.


Add to Gemfile

gem 'wfs_rails'

Then bundle install

Next add this to config/routes.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  mount WfsRails::Engine => '/'

Finally run:

rake wfs_rails:install:migrations

Alternative install

You may choose to use Capybara::Discoball which expects to use your application's Rails database as storage for Workflow Service data. The advantage of using WFS Rails is that you don't need to access any external Workflow APIs during development or testing (this is especially useful when building on Travis).

To set up and use WFS Rails in your project, take a look at this Argo pull request:

Or this stanalone server: