
This is a Ruby client library for submitting jobs to the Wf4Ever wf-ro transformation service - for details, see


Require the gem

require 'wf4ever/transformation-client'

To create a job:

service = ""
resource = ""
format = "application/vnd.taverna.t2flow+xml"
ro = ""
token = "e5e02dd4-9e29-43f0-890c-729d66c46a9b"

job_uri = Wf4Ever::TransformationClient.create_job(service, resource, format, ro, token)

You can optionally provide a list of additional resources to extract to which folders in the RO.

extract = { :nested => "" } 
job_uri = Wf4Ever::TransformationClient.create_job(service, resource, format, ro, token, extract)

To check the status of a job

status = Wf4Ever::TransformationClient.check_job(job_uri)["status"]

To cancel a job


Copyright © 2012-2013 University of Manchester.

This software is freely available under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for further details.