WebMock + Net::HTTP::Pipeline

Use WebMock to test your use of pipelined HTTP requests.

WebMock is a great tool for stubbing HTTP requests in tests. net-http-pipeline is an HTTP/1.1 pipelining implementation build on top of Net::HTTP, used for making batches of HTTP calls more efficient. The only problem is that the two don't play well together: net-http-pipeline bypasses the hooks that WebMock sets in place to provide its behaviour.

This library mimics the -pipeline behaviour within WebMock's version of Net::HTTP#request to allow you to test your pipelined HTTP calls.


Add this line to your application"s Gemfile:

gem "webmock-net-http-pipeline"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install webmock-net-http-pipeline


Simply require this gem after requiring webmock, and start mocking and testing your pipelined requests.

require "webmock"
require "webmock/net/http/pipeline"

include WebMock::API

host = "www.example.com"
stub_request(:any, host)

http      = Net::HTTP.start(host, 80).tap { |http| http.pipelining = true }
requests  = (1..3).map { Net::HTTP::Get.new("/") }
responses = http.pipeline(requests)

p responses   #=> [#<Net::HTTPOK 200  readbody=true>, ...]


  1. Fork it: http://github.com/globaldev/webmock-net-http-pipeline/fork
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am "Add some feature"
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Create new Pull Request