WebGet Ruby Gem: HTML helpers for tables, lists, etc.


Joel Parker Henderson, [email protected]


Copyright © 2006-2010 Joel Parker Henderson


CreativeCommons License, Non-commercial Share Alike


LGPL, GNU Lesser General Public License

Table Methods

  • table - Builds an HTML table from the supplied parameters: string CSS: ID, Class; array of strings: Headers, Footers; array of array of string: Rows

  • tables - Builds one or more HTML tables from a supplied array of arrays (each sub-array holding the params specified for the table method)

  • thead - Builds the thead section of a table from an array of strings

  • th - Returns a TH table cell

  • ths - Returns a string of TH table cells

  • tbody - Builds the tbody section of a table from an array of arrays of strings (each sub-array becomes a table row)

  • tr - Returns a TR table row

  • trs - Returns a string of TR table rows

  • td - Returns a TD table cell

  • tds - Returns a string of TD table cells

  • tfoot - Builds the tfoot section of a table from an array of strings


headers = ['a','b','c']
footers = ['x','y','z']
table(:id=>'foo', :class=>'bar', :headers=>headers, :footers=>footers, :rows=>rows)
<table id="foo" class="bar">

List Methods

  • ul - Builds an HTML unordered list from an array of strings or Enumerables

  • uls - Builds one or more HTML unordered lists from an array of arrays of strings or Enumerables (sub-arrays can be a mix of both)

  • li - Returns an LI item

  • lis - Returns a string of LI items


ul(['a','b','c']) =>

uls(['a','b','c'],['d','e','f'],[1,2,3]) =>

Misc Methods

  • comment - Return the text parameter wrapped in an HTML comment

  • wrap - Return the text parameter wrapped in a tag pair


comment('the following comes from') =>
<!-- the following comes from -->

wrap('foo', 'bar') =>


  • 1.0.6 add to gemcutter

  • 1.0.5 comment & wrap

  • 1.0.4 tables

  • 1.0.0 lists