
This project uses MIT-LICENSE.


In Rails 3, add following line to your Gemfile and run the bundle command.

gem "web_feed"

In Rails 2, add following line to your environment.rb file.

config.gem "web_feed"

Getting Started

There couple of generators. you can run something like rails g web_feed:install -h to see what they do


Running rails g web_feed:install -mvc will create all migrations, models, views, controllers and routings and a basic stylesheet file.

In case you want to rename the entities you can run this command:

rails g web_feed:install -r [RESOURCE_NAME] -n [NEWS_NAME] -k [KEYWORD_NAME] -mvc
rails g web_feed:install -r resource -n post -k keyword -mvc

Basic View

Add following line to your main layout to see the WebFeed pages with basic styling

<%= stylesheet_link_tag    "webfeed", :media => "all" %>

And add this line to see the what pages you have in WebFeed

<%= render 'layouts/webfeed' %>

Try It

After generating file and migrating rails db:migrate. Try to add some RSS resources such as http://feeds.gizmodo.com.au/GizmodoAustralia or http://techcrunch.com/feed/ and some keywords such as iphone, samsung and facebook. Then try to update resources from index page.

Testing SPECS

bundle exec guard