
Core components used commonly among all web apps for both App47 and RedMonocle

We don't need no sticking badges

  • Codacy Badge
  • Codacy Badge
  • Develop: CircleCI
  • Master: CircleCI


  • Ruby 2.4.1

Working with Bundler and RVM

This project manages Ruby versions via RVM and manages dependencies via Bundler.

You must first install RVM. Then install Ruby 2.4.1 (version 2.4.1-p111) via RVM. ``` shell script rvm install 2.4.1

You'll now notice that this project (as well as other App47 ones) contains a .rvmc file, which is executed upon opening the project's root directory in a terminal (and IDE's like RubyMine). The .rvmc file simply states `rvm ruby-2.4.1` which tells RVM to ensure the Ruby version to use for this project is 2.4.1. 

Please note, your Ruby `2.4.1` version might need bundler installed:
``` shell script
gem install bundler -v 1.17.3

To set up this project's dependencies, which are defined in the file, Gemfile, you should first run ``` shell script bundle install --path vendor

The `--path vendor` simply puts all gem files in a `vendor` directory. 

## Development

Your `RubyMine` environment should be setup now, however to verify all is well, please run the test suite
``` shell script
bundle exec rake test


The web47core project is a gem that will be deployed via Ruby Gems. When an update is ready, the following steps should be followed

  1. Build the gem gem build web47core.gemspec
  2. Push the new gem to Ruby Gems gem push web47core-version.gem
  3. There may be a delay when using the gem file


Importing the gem

To use the app47core gem in a project, first add the gem to your Gemfile in one of two ways

Using the gem from Ruby Gems

gem 'web47core'

If you need the gem immediately or need to pull from development branch, you can use the git repo

gem 'web47core', git: '[email protected]:App47/web47core.git', branch: :master

or from the develop branch

gem 'web47core', git: '[email protected]:App47/web47core.git', branch: :develop

Please do not ship to production code using the git repo, as the production servers will not have keys to pull from the web47core repo

Remove the following files

  1. StandardModel - Includes the common set of includes, Mongoid, Auditable, AutoClearCache, etc.
  2. CdnUrl - Provide CDN URLs of your classes URLs when cdn_url is configured in system configuration
  3. AutoClearCache - Clears your objects cache out of Rails.cache using the object's id
  4. Formable - Consolidated into StandardModel, was used to provide common form operations for mongoid documents
  5. EmailNotification
  6. EmailTemplate
  7. Notification
  8. NotificationTemplate
  9. SlackNotification
  10. SmsNotification
  11. Template
  12. App47Logger and App47LoggerTest
  13. Emailable or EmailAble and EamailbleTest, be sure to change Emailable to EmailAble
  14. RedisConfiguration and RedisConfgurationTest
  15. Searchable and SearchableTest, be sure to change Searchable to SearchAble
  16. TimezoneAble and TimezoneAbleTest
  17. CronJobServer and CronJobServerTest
  18. JobCronTab and JobCronTabTest
  19. CronTab


  1. StandardModel - Includes the common set of includes, Mongoid, etc.
  2. CoreSystemConfiguration - Base system configuration to be included in the app's SystemConfiguration Object
  3. CoreAccount - Base account object that is related to notifications and the ilk. ##### System Configuration Define a SystemConfiguration class in your project and import the core concern.
class SystemConfiguration
  include StandardModel
  include CoreSystemConfiguration

  # Include your additional system configuration fields and methods
  field :google_sso_client_id, type: String

Define a Account class in your project and import the core concern.

class Account
  include StandardModel
  include CoreAccount

  # Include your additional system configuration fields and methods
  has_many :users

Cron infrastructure for running jobs every minute, hour, day, week, month or some combination

  1. Remove config/initializers/job_cron_tabs.rb that was previous used to ensure cron tabs, they will be loaded automatically now
  2. Remove the Delayed::Backend::Mongoid::Job class definition, not the settings from config/initializers/delayed_job.rb, these are included in this gem now.
  3. Cron jobs should extend from Cron::Job now and specify cron_tab_entry within the class. ruby module Cron class MyJob < Job cron_tab_entry :daily def perform # do your work end end end Allowed values of cron_tab_entry are
  4. :always Run every minute
  5. :hourly Run every hour
  6. :daily Run every day
  7. :weekly Run every week on Sunday
  8. :monthly Run every month on the first day of the month
  9. '*/5 1,3 * 2 *' Run according to unix crontab entry format. This would run every tuesday on the 1st and 3rd hour, for any minute divisible by 5, so 0, 5, 10, 15, etc..

Before starting the server, you need to run the database command

db.cron_tabs.updateMany({_type: 'JobCronTab'}, {$set: {_type: 'Cron::JobTab'}});


Update abilities to new class names CronTab, JobCronTab, CronJobServer to Cron::Tab, Cron::JobTab, Cron::Server


The following routes should be added to the correct namespace for your applicaiton

    # Cron job servers and Cron Tabs
    # index - show both cron tabs and servers
    # edit - edit a cron tab
    # update - update a cron tab
    # destroy - destroy a server
    # demote - demote a server
    # run_now - run a cron tab
    resources :cron, only: %i[edit update destroy index] do
      member do
        get :run_now
        get :demote
    # System configuration
    resource :system_configurations, only: %i[edit update show]
    # Delayed jobs
    resources :delayed_jobs, only: %i[index show destroy] do
      collection do
        get :resubmit_all
        get :destroy_all
      member do
        get :resubmit



Update the CronController with something like below, and remove the views and any localization you might have made.

# frozen_string_literal: true

# Manage all crontabs in the system Configuration
class CronController < AdminController
  load_and_authorize_resource :cron_tab, only: %w[run_now update edit], id_param: :id, class: 'Cron::Tab'
  load_and_authorize_resource :cron_server, only: %w[demote destroy], id_param: :id, class: 'Cron::Server'
  include ::CoreCronController
  rescue_from Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound, with: :document_not_found_error

Update the DelayedJobController with something like below, and remove the views and any localization you might have made.

# frozen_string_literal: true

# Manage access to delayed jobs for the admin UI
class DelayedJobsController < AdminController
  include ::CoreDelayedJobsController
  load_and_authorize_resource class: 'Delayed::Backend::Mongoid::Job'
  rescue_from Mongoid::Errors::DocumentNotFound, with: :document_not_found_error

Remove controller, views and localizations


Update the SystemConfigurationsController with something like below, and remove the views and any localization you might have made.

# frozen_string_literal: true

# Manage the system configuration page
class SystemConfigurationsController < AdminController
  include ::CoreSystemConfigurationsController
  load_and_authorize_resource :system_configuration

~/bin Directory

Remove the delayed_job, delayed_job.sh and cron_server.sh files