Gem Version


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

  gem 'wayforpay'

And then execute:

  $ bundle install

To manually install wayforpay via Rubygems just run:

  $ gem install wayforpay


Wayforpay API Docs


  require 'wayforpay'

Create new file config/initializers/wayforpay.rb and put your own credentials here (required):

  Wayforpay.configure do |config|
      config. = 'test_merch_n1' # Seller identifier. This value is assigned to You from the side of WayForPay
      config.merchant_domain_name = ''
      config.encrypt_secret_key = 'flk3409refn54t54t*FNJRET'

Click here for more information.


### Blocking money on the payment card (Hold)


Required parameters:

| Parameter | Description | | ----------------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | | orderReference | Unique number of the order in merchant’s system | | orderDate | Date of order placing | | amount | Amount of refund | | currency | Currency of order: UAH (USD, EUR) | | productName[] | Array with the names of ordered products | | productPrice[] | Array with the prices per product unit | | productCount[] | Array with the quantity of ordered goods by each item | | card | Card number 16 characters | | expMonth | Card Expiry Date (mounth) - MM | | expYear | Card Expiry Date (year) - YY | | cardCvv | Card Security Code CVV / CVV2 | | cardHolder | Cardholder Name, as indicated on the card | | recToken | Card token for recarring withdrawals, without client (without reference to card details) |

Note: fields (card+expMonth+expYear+cardCvv+cardHolder) or recToken should be required.

An example of request:

    "orderReference": "myOrder1",
    "orderDate": 1421412898,
    "amount": 0.13,
    "currency": "UAH",
    "card": "4111111111111111",
    "expMonth": "11",
    "expYear": "2020",
    "cardCvv": "111",
    "cardHolder": "TARAS BULBA",
    "productName": ["Samsung WB1100F","Samsung Galaxy Tab 4 7.0 8GB 3G Black"],
    "productPrice": [21.1,30.99],
    "productCount": [1,2]

### Refund/Cancellation of payment (Refund)


Required parameters:

| Parameter | Description | | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | | orderReference | Unique number of the order in merchant’s system | | amount | Amount of refund | | currency | Currency of order: UAH | | comment | Merchant Comment, Description reversal reason |

An example of request:

    "orderReference": "DH783023",
    "amount": 100,
    "currency": "UAH",
    "comment": "Not in stock"

### Withdrawal of blocked amount (Settle)


Required parameters:

| Parameter | Description | | ----------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | | orderReference | Unique number of the order in merchant’s system | | amount | The amount of write-offs confirmation | | currency | Write-off currency |

An example of request:

    "orderReference": "DH783023",
    "amount": 100 ,
    "currency": "UAH"


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

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