About this Utility:

This is a utility(watir_helper) developed for making Automation Testing faster, simpler and easier through WATIR.


  1. No need to create an IE Instance.

  2. Just include this gem and use it’s parameterized functions some of which are given as follows:-

    # goto_page("http://www.google.com")
    # set_texfield("name","q","Ruby")
    # click_button("name","btnG")
    # verify_text("Ruby")
    # close_browser()
Due to this feature Automation Testing task will be easier and faster because we have to just use the functions of this gem.
  1. All the functions are available in the lib/watir_helper folder for different type of elements of a website.

  2. Pop-up handling is easy using given parameterized functions in this gem.

  3. To enable the Pop-up handling, execute the following steps on your command prompt :-

    • cd C:rubylibrubygems1.8gemswatir-1.6.2libwatir

    • regsvr32 AutoItX3.dll

    • You will get a pop-up of successful registration , press “OK” button on it.

    Now, You can easily handle pop-up’s.

  4. Can add functions into this gem as WATIR is an Open Source tool.


Install Ruby: ruby-lang.org

First you need to install Ruby using the one-click installer for Windows. We
 recommend Ruby 1.8.6. (Even if you are using modal dialogs.)

Install Watir:

Watir is packaged as a gem, a Ruby library that can be installed over the



The latest version of Watir is 1.6.5 whose close function doesn't work fine if we handle pop-up's in our  scripts.But close function of Watir 1.6.2 works fine with pop-up handling.Watir 1.6.2 was released in November  2009. 

To install it, type this at command prompt:

 gem install watir (for latest version)
 gem install watir

-v 1.6.2 (for version 1.6.2)

Install rspec:

gem install rspec (This will download the latest version)

gem install rspec -v 1.1.3 (This version is also needed because of some compatibility issue)

Install rake:

gem install rake

Install IE Devleoper Toolbar from the site



  To Use:
This only works on Windows.Requires Internet Explorer 5.5 or newer.

Typical Usage

# include my utility(watir_helper)

   require 'watir_helper'

# include the module inside it

   include WatirHelper

# Go to the Google home page


# print Title 

   puts get_title

# print Url

   puts get_url

# Flash the Google logo on the home page   


# Check whether Google logo image exists or not

   puts exists_image("id","logo")

# Set the search field to Ruby


# Highlight the Google Search button

   flash_button("value","Google Search")

# Click the Google Search button

   click_button("value","Google Search")

Pop Up’s Support

Watir now optionally installs AutoIt - http://www.autoitscript.com/

This is the prefered method for dealing wth pop ups, file requesters etc.

To enable the same, execute the following steps on your command prompt :-

  - cd C:\ruby\lib\ruby\gems\1.8\gems\watir-1.6.2\lib\watir

  - regsvr32 AutoItX3.dll

  - You will get a pop-up of successful registration , press "OK" button on it.

 Now,You can easily handle pop-up's. 

Note: The latest version of Watir is 1.6.5 whose close function doesn't work fine if we handle pop-up's in our        scripts.But close function of Watir 1.6.2 works fine with pop-up handling.


The mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/watir-general

E-mail :- [email protected]

          [email protected]


Ankur Gera

             Yashasree Barve

Thanks for your ideas and support .