= wannabeparser

== Description

Library for parsing xml files to ruby hash. Xml is being parsed by input, to support large files. Specified function is fired for every parsed object.

== Usage

First, define class like this:

require 'wannabeparser'

class TwitterParser include WannaBeParser # dear wannabeparser!

tag 'status' # Select all "status" objects for me

element 'created_at' => :date # and please, save "created_at" element contents as :date in resulting object

process lambda { |o| # and do this every time you got complete object
    date = Date.parse(o[:date])
    puts "#{o['user']['name']}: #{o['text']} @ #{Date::MONTHNAMES[date.month]}, #{date.day}"


Now, you can start parsing process doing this:

tweets_count = TwitterParser::parse(File.join( File.dirname(FILE) , 'twitter.xml')) # specifying xml file path as argument

tweets_count will contain number of parsed "status" objects.

== Installation

gem sources -a http://gemcutter.org gem install wannabeparser