VXML Tools

It contain library and Generator for the Rails 3 application.


You can write VXML in Ruby. First Method :- vxml = VXML.new do|v| v.block do |b| b.prompt “Welcome to all” b.if_cond “1==1” do |v| v.prompt “Both are equal” end end end

render :xml => vxml.to_vxml Second Method :- v = VXML.new b = v.block b.prompt “Welcome to all” cond = b.if_cond “1==1” cond.prompt “Both are equal”

render :xml => v.to_vxml


Create vxml view file .

Create vxml file with controller :- rails g controller ivr hello_world -e vxml

Create vxml file only :- rails g vxml:controller ivr hello_world

Configure the routes get “hai/hello_world(.:format)”