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Quick and dirty documentation using Vim


Vocco is a super patchy literate programming-style documentation generator using Vim’s :TOhtml feature. It renders groups of files as syntax highlighted HTML, using your everyday Vim settings.


Make sure you have gvim or macvim and a nice default color scheme installed for optimum roi.

   USAGE  vocco [options]

          writes html to the directory
          given by --out, for all files
          matching the --file globs.

 OPTIONS  --files '**/*.rb' README LICENCE
defaults  --out   ./docs

          --notes ./notes

          --name  from gemspec, or use
                  current directory name.

          --site  from gemspec, or none

          --vim   macvim gvim vim

 RUBYGEM  $ gem install vocco

          Vocco.run :out => './website'

   NOTES  Vocco can include notes for
          each file.

            -- files 'tra/la/**/*.rb'
            and that there is a file at
            and that
            -- notes='./notes'

          Then you can put notes at
            'notes/bup/fum.rb.md', or

          Instead of .md (markdown), you
          can also use .textile and

          Bonus points for noticing that
          the static part of the globs
          are automagically trimmed off
          the paths.

  GREETS  Docco:  <http://jashkenas.github.com/docco/>
          Rocco:  <http://rtomayko.github.com/rocco/>
          Shocco: <http://rtomayko.github.com/shocco/>

 COPYING  Copyright (c) 2011 Jostein Berre
          Eliassen. Released under an MIT
          license. See LICENSE.txt for info.