
Vitrage allows store and manage your Rails application web-pages content as separated pieces of different types: text, image, slider, several-columned text etc. Pieces are objects of different Rails models having their specific views for show and edit. Vitrage allows you inline editing of content pieces.

vitrage of glass


Put this line in your Gemfile:

gem 'vitrage'

Then run bundle install.

After installing the gem, you need to run the generator.

bin/rails generate vitrage:install

The generator adds these files:


and line to the routes.rb file:


Now, migrate your database: bin/rake db:migrate

Require js in your js file (application.js by default):

//= require vitrage/vitrage

Require vitrage css in your css file (application.css by default):

*= require vitrage/vitrage

Use vitrage content pieces for your model and views

Add to any models you want to use vitrage content pieces line:


Add render call to the show view:

<%= show_vitrage_for @object %>

Add render call to the edit view:

<%= edit_vitrage_for @object %>

Add content piece

Content pieces it is necessary parts of Vitrage. By default we have no pieces. Describes process of creating simple content piece only with text field.

bin/rails generate vitrage:piece Text body:text

The generator adds these files:

# ... and more

Migrate your database: bin/rake db:migrate

Add name of content piece model to PIECE_CLASSES_STRINGS array constant of VitrageOwnersPiecesSlot model.

Add styles for add new block button:

.vtrg-new-block-kinds .vtrg-text { background: red; }

Do not forget about piece view partials.

Custom Pieces Controller

PiecesController have actions for vitrage pieces. If you need to override controller, create new controller, inherited from Vitrage::PiecesController:

class VitragePiecesController < Vitrage::PiecesController
  # add devise authorization as option
  before_action :authenticate_admin_user!

And add parameter controller to routes method call with underscored and pluralized controller name:

Vitrage.routes(self, controller: 'vitrage_pieces')


Vitrage is released under the MIT License.


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

Feel free to use code of the project as you want, create issues or make pull requests.