Virgil JWT

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Introduction | Library purposes | Usage examples | Installation | Docs | License | Contacts


Virgil JSON Web Token ("JWT") allows you to make call to Virgil Services without having to know how they're constructed.

Library purposes

Usage examples

Virgil developer credentials

Collect your Virgil developer credentials form Virgil Dashboard: APP_ID, API_KEY_ID, API_KEY

Parameter Description
APP_ID ID of your Application at Virgil Dashboard
API_KEY_ID A unique string value that identifies your account at the Virgil developer portal
API_KEY A Private Key that is used to sign API calls to Virgil Services. For security, you will only be shown the API Private Key when the key is created. Don't forget to save it in a secure location for the next step

Generate a Private Key with the default algorithm (EC_X25519):

require 'virgil/crypto'
include Virgil::Crypto

crypto =
key_pair = crypto.generate_keys

Set up Client side and send a JWT request

After a user installs Virgil Jwt you'll need to set up JWT Provider for providing a user with a JWT. You'll need to give your users a JWT that tells Virgil who they are and what they can do. Requests to your app server must be authorized. You can use any kind of authentication, for example, Google auth.

Set up JWT provider

Use these lines of code to specify which JWT generation source you prefer to use in your project:

require 'virgil/crypto'
require 'virgil/jwt'
include Virgil::Crypto
include Virgil::Jwt

# Get generated token from server-side
obtain_token_proc = proc { authenticated_query_to_server('my_token_identity').to_s }

# Setup AccessTokenProvider
access_token_provider = CallbackJwtProvider(obtain_token_proc)

Set up Server Side and Generate JWT

Next, you'll set up the JwtGenerator and generate a JWT using the Virgil SDK. You'll use your API Key that was created at Virgil Dashboard. For security purposes, you have to generate JWT on your server side.

Each JWT is granted access to specific Application and has a limited lifetime that is configured by you. However, best practice is to generate JWT for the shortest amount of time feasible for your application. Here is an example of how to generate a JWT:

require 'virgil/crypto'
require 'virgil/jwt'
include Virgil::Crypto
include Virgil::Jwt

# API_KEY (you got this Key at Virgil Dashboard)
api_key_base64 = "MIGhMF0GCSqGSIb3DQEFDTBQMC8GCSqGSIb3DQEFDDAiBBC7Sg/DbNzhJ/uakTvafUMoAgIUtzAKBggqhkiG9w0CCjAdBglghkgBZQMEASoEEDunQ1yhWZoKaLaDFgjpxRwEQAFdbC8e6103lJrUhY9ahyUA8+4rTJKZCmdTlCDPvoWH/5N5kxbOvTtbxtxevI421z3gRbjAtoWkfWraSLD6gj0="
private_key_data = Bytes.from_string(api_key_base64, VirgilStringEncoding::BASE64)

# Crypto library imports a private key into a necessary format
crypto =
api_key = crypto.import_private_key(private_key_data, app_key_password)

#  initialize accessTokenSigner that signs users JWTs
access_token_signer =

# use your App Credentials you got at Virgil Dashboard:
app_id = "be00e10e4e1f4bf58f9b4dc85d79c77a" # APP_ID
api_key_id = "70b447e321f3a0fd"; # API_KEY_ID
ttl = 1*60 # 1 hour (JWT's lifetime in minutes)

# setup JWT generator with necessary parameters:
jwt_generator = app_id, 
                                 api_key: api_key, 
                                 api_public_key_id: api_key_id, 
                                 life_time: ttl, 
                                 access_token_signer: access_token_signer)

# generate JWT for a user
# remember that you must provide each user with his unique JWT
# each JWT contains unique user's identity (in this case - Alice)
# identity can be any value: name, email, some id etc.
identity = "Alice"
alice_jwt = jwt_generator.generate_token(identity)

# as result you get users JWT, it looks like this: "eyJraWQiOiI3MGI0NDdlMzIxZjNhMGZkIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIiwiYWxnIjoiVkVEUzUxMiIsImN0eSI6InZpcmdpbC1qd3Q7dj0xIn0.eyJleHAiOjE1MTg2OTg5MTcsImlzcyI6InZpcmdpbC1iZTAwZTEwZTRlMWY0YmY1OGY5YjRkYzg1ZDc5Yzc3YSIsInN1YiI6ImlkZW50aXR5LUFsaWNlIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE4NjEyNTE3fQ.MFEwDQYJYIZIAWUDBAIDBQAEQP4Yo3yjmt8WWJ5mqs3Yrqc_VzG6nBtrW2KIjP-kxiIJL_7Wv0pqty7PDbDoGhkX8CJa6UOdyn3rBWRvMK7p7Ak"
# you can provide users with JWT at registration or authorization steps
# Send a JWT to client-side
jwt_string = alice_jwt.to_s

Manage a JWT

Each JWT consists of three parts: the header, the payload, and the signature.

# JWT Token structure

The header contains information about how the JWT signature should be computed. The header is a JSON object in the following format:

  # the type of token. It MUST be "JWT"
  "typ": "JWT",
  # Signature algorithm. Currently supports only "VEDS512" (Virgil EdDSA SHA512)
  "alg": "VEDS512",
  # the content-type. It MUST be "virgil-jwt;v=1
  "cty": "virgil-jwt;v=1",
  # fingerprint of public key, that will be used to verify token. Equals to first 8 bytes of SHA512 of Public Key in DER format
  "kid": "70b447e321f3a0fd"


The payload is the data that‘s stored inside the JWT (this data is also referred to as the “claims” of the JWT). In our example, the Application server creates a JWT with the user information stored inside of it.

  # Issuer. Equals to virgil-
  "iss": "virgil-be00e10e4e1f4bf58f9b4dc85d79c77a",
  # Subject. Equals to identity-
  "sub": "identity-Alice",
  # Issued at. Utc timestamp that indicates when token was issued.
  "iat": 1518612517,
  # Expires at. Utc timestamp that shows when token will expire. Tokens have a maximum age of 24 hours
  "exp": 1518698917

Keep in mind that the size of the data will affect the overall size of the JWT. This generally isn’t an issue but having excessively large JWT may negatively affect performance and cause latency.


The signature section is a signed hash that serves to prove the authenticity of the token. It is compiled by hashing the JWT header and payload together with your API Key secret, which should only be known to your application and Virgil. The signature is computed using the following pseudo code:

# Signature
signature = Base64.urlsafe_encode64(EdDSA+SHA512(SHA512(Base64.urlsafe_encode64(header) + "." + Base64.urlsafe_encode64(payload))))

Base64.urlsafe_encode64 encodes the header and the payload that was created in steps 1 and 2. The algorithm then joins the resulting encoded strings together with a period (.) in between them. To get the JWT signature, the data string is hashed with the secret key using the hashing algorithm specified in the JWT header. Then, using the joined encoded header and payload and applying the specified signature algorithm(HS256) on the data string with the secret key set as the string “secret”, we get the JWT Signature. Now that we have created all three components, we can create the JWT. Remembering the header.payload.signature structure of the JWT, we simply need to combine the components with periods (.) separating them. We use the Base64.urlsafe_encode64 encoded versions of the header and of the payload, and the signature.

Here is an example of JWT:

# JWT Token

It is important to understand that the purpose of using JWT is NOT to hide or obscure data in any way. The reason why JWT is used is to prove that the sent data was actually created by an authentic source. You can try creating your own JWT through your browser at


TThe Virgil JWT is provided as a gem named virgil-jwt and available for Ruby 2.1 and newer. The package is distributed via bundler package manager.

To install the package use the command below:

 gem install virgil-crypto
 gem install virgil-jwt

or add the following line to your Gemfile:

 gem 'virgil-crypto', '~> 3.6.2'
 gem 'virgil-jwt'

and then run




This library is released under the 3-clause BSD License.


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