
This gem is a wrapper for the Viglink Catalog API. This gem contains module methods for each API endpoint, as well as an additional subset for the CUID revenue API.


Command line installation:

gem install viglink-api

Or add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'viglink-api'

And then execute bundler:




To use in irb or a console, simply require the file and create a new client

require 'viglink_api'
viglink ={:api_key => ENV['VIGLINK_API_KEY']})


Include the viglink-api gem in your Gemfile and bundle. The module can be configured by creating a config file:


ViglinkApi.configure do |config|
    config.api_key = "your_api_key"

And then initialize a client with the following:

viglink =

Please see below for more configuration options.

Search Methods

Please refer to the Viglink Catalog API documentation for details on additional fields that can be included. Each method can accept a hash of values to pass through to the search. Key is included by default.

  • find_products
  • find_merchants
  • find_merchant_types
  • find_deals
  • find_deal_types
  • find_countries

Configuration Options

  • api_url sets the API base url. Default:
  • api_key should be set to your campaign API key. Default: nil
  • api_key can be set to your campaign API secret key. Default: nil
  • api_full_response Determines if the searches return the full response hashes or only the segment of the response related to the request. Default: true
  • api_cuid_url sets the CUID API base url. Default:

CUID Payment API

Please refer to the Viglink CUID API documentation (the section on "Advanced Revenue Tracking") for additional information.


The defaults for this segment of the API default to the general ViglinkApi configuration

viglink =

Or for a one-off call independent from the ViglinkApi configuration (please see below for more configuration options):

viglink ={:api_secret => "your_secret_key", :period => "week"})


  • find_purchases performs a search and accepts an options hash with the following keys:
    • last_date sets the start date for search. Format: YYYY/MM/DD ("%Y/%m/%d"). Default: 1 day ago.
    • period determines the search period. Options: day, week, month. Default: day


  • api_secret should be set to your Viglink API secret key. Default: nil
  • api_cuid_url = options[:api_cuid_url] || ViglinkApi.api_cuid_url
  • last_date sets the start date for search. Format: YYYY/MM/DD ("%Y/%m/%d"). Default: 1 day ago.
  • period determines the search period. Options: day, week, month. Default: day


Contributions welcome!

  • We need more tests, and the existing ones need updating
  • More documentation and code commenting
  • Debugging and exception handling
  • Features!

In traditional GitHub style:

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request