Videojuicer Player SDK


You must create a `config.yml` to define the build tasks for the `playersdk` to use, the configuration file uses standard YAML syntaxs.

- # Flex SDK location flex_sdk: “/Applications/Adobe\ Flex\ Builder\ 3/sdks/3.3.0”

# Flex framework version, the bundled RSLs are specific flex_framework_version: “framework_3.3.0.4852”

# List of tasks the SDK will complete tasks: # Copies the Flex framework RSLs into the build folder “framework”: { type: framework, framework_rsl: ‘framework_3.3.0.4852’ } # Compiles an Addon for use with the Videojuicer Player “player-addon”: { type: addon, src: vj-player-ui/src, main: DefaultUI.mxml, sdk: true, engine: “builds/vj-player-engine”, libs: false, target: player-addon }


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