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Versioned Record allows the creation of multiple versions of an active record that share an ID. The version and ID columns of a record form a composite primary key and as such this gem relies on the composite_primary_keys gem.

Why another versioning tool for ActiveRecord? Mainly because this gem does not rely on serializing data or storing of multiple attributes in a single column. It uses databases as they were intended which means it is fast, reliable and flexible.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'versioned_record'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install versioned_record


Setting up your table

To create a versioned record, start by adding the versioned: true option to your migration and then (re)running.

create_table :products, versioned: true do |t|
  t.string :name
  t.decimal :price

The versioned option will create the id, version and is_current_version columns and create a composite primary key on the id and version columns.

Next, include the VersionedRecord module in your ActiveRecord model

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  include VersionedRecord

Creating records and versions

Creating a record happens as normal.

product = Product.create(name: 'Coffee Cup', price: 4.99)

The product will have version set to 0 and is_current_version set to true

product.version => 0
product.is_current_version? => true

To create a version simply call create_version! on the record.

product_v2 = product.create_version!(price: 5.99)

Note that any attributes not specified in the create_version! call will be copied from the previous version. => 'Coffee Cup'

Also, the is_current_version flag is unset for the old version and set for the new one

product.is_current_version? => false
product_v2.is_current_version? => true


Simple Belongs Too

belongs_to A versioned model, but references the latest version (general case)

A simple belongs_to will work as normal but will always refer to the latest version of its parent.

Composite Belongs To

belongs_to A versioned model but references a specific version

belongs_to must specify the foreign_key and primary key settings.

class Contract < ActiveRecord::Base
  include VersionedRecord
  has_many :apprentices, {
    foreign_key: [:contract_id, :contract_version]

class Apprentice < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :contract, {
    foreign_key: [:contract_id, :contract_version]

belongs_to a non-versioned model

Normal behaviour

belongs_to when this model is version

As per above cases (versioning here has no effect)

Database Support

Right now, only PostgreSQL has been tested. MySQL may or may not work but if you'd like to test/add support please fork and contribute!


  • Does not currently work with ActiveRecord 4.1+
  • HABTM where models on both sides are versioned have not been tested


Dan Draper, dan at codehire dot com, Codehire, @danieldraper


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request