Vector geometry

Author: Andrew Berkeley ([email protected])


This library provides an interface for handling vector geometry in 2- and 3-dimensional space.

The following classes are defined

Geometry::Vector Basic 2- or 3D vector and operations
Geometry::GeoVector Subclass of Vector providing additional geometric operations relating to the surface of a spheroid
Geometry::EarthVector Subclass of GeoVector relating specifically to Earth
Geometry::Spheroid::Base Create a representation of an arbitrary spheriod for associating with a given instance of GeoVector

For example, calculating the distance between two points on the Earth’s surface

```ruby # Instantiate using geographic coordinates. vector_1 = Geometry::EarthVector.from_geographic(80.0,0.0) #=> <EarthVector [1111.1648732245053, 0.0, 6259.542946575613]> vector_2 = Geometry::EarthVector.from_geographic(80.0,1.0) #=> <EarthVector [1110.9956374322653, 19.392500986346672, 6259.542946575613]>

# Distance across 1 degree longitude at latitude of 80 degrees (km) vector_1.great_circle_distance(vector_2) #=> 19.43475314292549 ```

Or the distance of point from a line described by two points ```ruby vector_3 = Geometry::EarthVector.from_geographic(75.0,5.0) #=> <EarthVector [1649.6615168294907, 144.3266813775607, 6138.7656676742445]>

vector_3.great_circle_distance_from_arc(vector_1,vector_2) #=> 567.3634356328112



Basic vector operations can be performed as follows.

Initialize a vector.

```ruby # 2D - pass x, y vector =,20)

# 3D - pass x, y, z vector =,20,4)

# 2D - pass magnitude and angle vector = Geometry::Vector.from_polar(25, Math::PI) ```

Vector attributes.

```ruby vector =,20,4)

vector.x #=> 15 vector.y #=> 20 vector.z #=> 4


Vector operations.


vector =,4,5)

# Magnitude vector.magnitude #=> 7.0710678118654755

# Normalize vector.normalize #=> <Vector [0.4242640687119285, 0.565685424949238, 0.7071067811865475]>

vector_1 =,2,1) vector_2 =,3,10)

# Addition vector_1 + vector_2 #=> <Vector [4.0, 5.0, 11.0]>

# Subtraction vector_1 - vector_2 #=> <Vector [0.0, -1.0, -9.0]>

# Multiply by scalar value vector_1 * 4 #=> <Vector [8.0, 8.0, 4.0]>

# Divide by scalar value vector * 4 #=> <Vector [0.5, 0.5, 0.25]>

# Calculate dot product of 2 vectors #=> 20.0

# Calculate cross product of 2 vectors vector_1.cross(vector_2) #=> <Vector [17.0, -18.0, 2.0]>

# Calculate angle between 2 vectors (in radians) vector_1.angle(vector_2) #=> 0.8929110789963546


Compare vectors.


# Are two vectors parallel or orthogonal? vector_1 =,0,0) vector_2 =,0,0) vector_3 =,10,0)

vector_1.parallel?(vector_2) #=> true vector_1.parallel?(vector_3) #=> false

vector_1.orthogonal?(vector_2) #=> false vector_1.orthogonal?(vector_3) #=> true

# Are two vectors equal vector_1 == vector_2 #=> false ```


If you find a bug or think that you improve on the code, feel free to contribute.

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© Copyright 2012 Andrew Berkeley.

Licensed under the MIT license (See COPYING file for details)