Vault Rails Build Status

Vault is the official Rails plugin for interacting with Vault by HashiCorp.

Quick Start

  1. Add to your Gemfile:

    gem "vault-rails", "~> 0.1", require: false

    and then run the bundle command to install.

  2. Create an initializer:

    require "vault/rails"
    Vault.configure do |vault|
      vault.application = "my_app"
      # Default: ENV["VAULT_ADDR"]
      vault.address = "https://vault.corp"
      # Default: ENV["VAULT_TOKEN"]
      vault.token = "abcd1234"

    For more customization, such as custom SSL certificates, please see the Vault Ruby documentation.

  3. Add Vault to the model you want to encrypt:

    class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
      include Vault::EncryptedModel
      vault_attribute :ssn

    Each attribute you want to encrypt must have a corresponding attribute_encrypted column in the database. For the above example:

    class AddEncryptedSSNToPerson < ActiveRecord::Migration
      add_column :persons, :ssn_encrypted, :string

    That is it! The plugin will transparently handle the encryption and decryption of secrets with Vault:

    person =
    person.ssn = "123-45-6789" #=> true
    person.ssn_encrypted #=> "vault:v0:EE3EV8P5hyo9h..."

    You can customize the vault_attribute method with the following options:

    vault_attribute :credit_card,
      encrypted_column: :cc_encrypted,
      path: "credit-secrets",
      key: "people_credit_cards"
- `:encrypted_column` - the name of the encrypted column
  (default: `attribute_encrypted`)
- `:key` - the name of the key
  (default: `#{app}_#{table}_#{column}`)
- `:path` - the path to the transit backend to use
  (default: `transit/`)


Mounting/Creating Keys in Vault

The Vault Rails plugin does not automatically mount a backend. It is assumed the proper backend is mounted and accessible by the given token. You can mount a transit backend like this:

$ vault mount transit

The Vault Rails plugin does not automatically create transit keys in Vault. This is intentional so that you can give the policy for the token associated with the Rails application read/write access to the encrypt/decrypt backends only, without giving the Rails application the ability to read encryption keys from Vault.

If an attacker gained access to the Rails application server, they would be able to read all encryption keys in Vault, making decryption of sensitive data in the database easy.

Instead, you should create keys for each column you plan to encrypt using a different policy, out-of-band from the Rails application. For example:

$ vault write transit/keys/<key> create=1

Unless customized, the name of the key will always be:


So for the example above, the key would be:


Searching Encrypted Attributes

Because each column is uniquely encrypted, it is not possible to search for a particular plain-text value. For example, if the ssn attribute is encrypted, the following will NOT work:

Person.where(ssn: "123-45-6789")

This is because the database is unaware of the plain-text data (which is part of the security model).


The Vault Rails plugin includes a testing harness to avoid needing to spin up a real Vault server during tests:

require "vault/rails/testing"

This will stub all requests to encrypted attributes to use an in-memory store.


  1. Clone the project on GitHub
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Submit a Pull Request

Important Notes:

  • All new features must include test coverage. At a bare minimum, Unit tests are required. It is preferred if you include acceptance tests as well.
  • The tests must be be idempotent. The HTTP calls made during a test should be able to be run over and over.
  • Tests are order independent. The default RSpec configuration randomizes the test order, so this should not be a problem.