
A Vagrant plugin to handle our SOA infrastructre within vagrant.


vagrant plugin install vagrant-soa


This plugin allows you to specify one or more services to run within the VM. By "services", we mean github repos that define puppet modules which can then be included in the main manifest.

This structure allows developers of services to easily distribute services to the rest of the team. Any changes to the service will be synced when users provision.

Services are defined within the Vagrantfile:: = {
  'example_service' => {
    'puppet_path' => 'services/example_service/puppet',
    'github_url' => '[email protected]:eventbrite/vagrant-soa.git',
    'home_dir' => 'services/example_service',
    'branch' => 'test_branch',

The attributes of the service are optional, with the following defaults:

  • puppet_path: The location of the puppet module from the root of the service repository. If this isn't specified, we'll default to "puppet"
  • github_url: The github url for the service. If this isn't provided, we'll fallback to: #configconfig.soaconfig.soa.github_base/#service.git
  • branch: The specific branch we want to checkout. Defaults to "master".
  • home_dir: The home directory of the service. This is useful if the service isn't contained within its own repo.


$ bundle
$ bundle exec vagrant up


  1. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  2. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  3. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  4. Create new Pull Request