BOSH provisioner for Vagrant

BOSH provisioner allows to provision guest VM by specifying regular BOSH deployment manifest.

You might also be interested in packer-bosh.


  1. vagrant plugin install vagrant-bosh

  2. Add new VM provision section to your Vagrantfile. For example:

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "precise64"
  config.vm.box_url = ""

  # Example port forward for example-bosh-manifest.yml "forwarded_port", guest: 25555, host: 25555 # BOSH Director API

  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
    v.memory = 4096
    v.cpus = 2

  config.vm.provision "bosh" do |c|
    # use cat or just inline full deployment manifest
    c.manifest = `cat somewhere/example-bosh-manifest.yml`
  1. Create a deployment manifest and specify it via c.manifest attribute. See dev/example-bosh-manifest.yml for an example deployment manifest used to deploy BOSH Director.

  2. Run vagrant provision to provision guest VM (DEBUG=1 environment variable will trigger live verbose output).

Deployment manifest gotchas

  • It must specify release source(s) via url key in the releases section. See release URL confgurations.

  • It must have exactly one deployment job; however, deployment job can be made up from multiple job templates that come from multiple releases.

  • It does not support static network type, though dynamic network type is supported (Network configuration should be done via standard Vagrant configuration DSL).

  • It does not support stemcell specification because guest VM OS is picked via directive.

Provisioner options

  • manifest (String, default: nil) should contain full BOSH deployment manifest

  • full_stemcell_compatibility (Boolean, default: false) forces provisioner to install all (not just minimum) dependencies usually found on a stemcell

  • agent_infrastructure (String, default: warden) configures BOSH Agent infrastructure (e.g. aws, openstack)

  • agent_platform (String, default: ubuntu) configured BOSH Agent platform (e.g. ubuntu, centos)

  • agent_configuration (Hash, default: '{ ... }')

  • create_release_cmd (String, default: bosh -n create release --force)

Using provisioner to build BOSH stemcells

See building AWS Stemcell.


  • Speed up apply step (Monit is sluggish)


git submodule update --recursive --init

# Spin up development Vagrant box with lib/ acting as BOSH provisioner
( cd dev/ && vagrant up )