= Utilrb
http://github.com/doudou/util-rb (git repository)

== License

Copyright (c) 2006-2008
Sylvain Joyeux <[email protected]>
LAAS/CNRS <[email protected]>

This work is licensed under the BSD license. See License.txt for details

== What is Utilrb ?

Utilrb is yet another Ruby toolkit, in the spirit of facets. It includes all
the standard class extensions I use in other projects.

== Installation

The only dependency Utilrb has is flexmock if you want to run tests. It is
available as a gem, so you can run

gem install flexmock

== Utilrb's C extension
Utilrb includes a C extension in ext/. It is optional, but some of the
functionalities will be disabled if it is not present. Trying to require
a file in which there is a C-only feature will yield a warning on STDOUT.

* some features have a Ruby version, but a C version is provided for
- Enumerable#each_uniq

* some features are C-only
- ValueSet class
- Kernel#swap!

The environment variable <tt>UTILRB_FASTER_MODE</tt> controls the extension
loading. Set it to +no+ to disable the extension, to +yes+ to force it
(an error is generated if the extension is not available). If the variable
is not set, the extension is loaded if available.

:include: History.txt