
Gem Version Dependency Status

Web application for Usbunfreeze kit.


UsbunfreezeWeb is a Sinatra/Rack application and can be used as a gem or as a server in local directory.

  1. Install a gem

    gem install usbunfreeze_web
  2. Point an env variable USBUNFREEZE_WEB_SETTINGS to location of a settings file /path/to/settings.yaml (see Configurarion).

  3. Start an app as a Thin server

    USBUNFREEZE_WEB_SETTINGS=/path/to/settings.yaml usbunfreeze_web

    Of course, you can provide any additional Thin options at command line or even a config with -C /path/to/thin.yaml.

As a rack app

UsbunfreezeWeb can be started using with you favourite Rack server.

  1. Clone a git repo

  2. Install dependencies

    bundle install
  3. Point an env variable USBUNFREEZE_WEB_SETTINGS to location of a settings file /path/to/settings.yaml (see Configurarion).

  4. Start Rack app



Settings file template can be found at config/settings.yaml.example.

Configure Amazon AWS SQS queue and place access, secret key and queue name to the config.

NOTE: server does not work properly with sinatra-assetpack asset packaging in production mode. Use development instead.


Web application is configured to serve at /usbunfreeze for a web page and at /usbunfreeze-assets for assets. Configure your HTTP server for secure proxying requests to the web application.

Use URL http://localhost:9292/usbunfreeze to send a signal message to the SQS which will be fetched by the companion application usbunfreeze_daemon.

License information

Please consult with the LICENSE.txt for license information. It is MIT by the way.