
From, updated to run under rails 2.2.

To select "priority" states that show up at the top of the list, call like so:

<%= us_state_select 'child', 'state', :priority => %w(TX CA) %> 

Changing Option/Value with :show

The default...

<%= us_state_select 'child', 'state'%> 

...will yield this:

<option value="AK">Alaska</option>

Or you can change it up...

<%= us_state_select 'child', 'state', :show => :full %> 

...and get this.

<option value="Alaska">Alaska</option>

Options are:

  • :full =
  • :full_abb =
  • :abbreviations =
  • :abb_full_abb =

You can also pass a proc to show:

<%= us_state_select 'child', 'state', :show => {|state| [state.first, state.first]} %> 

The array you are iterating over looks like this:

[["Alaska", "AK"], ["Alabama","AL"], ...]