Uptrace Ruby exporter for OpenTelemetry

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uptrace-ruby is an exporter for OpenTelemetry that sends your traces/spans and metrics to Uptrace.dev. Briefly the process is the following:

  • OpenTelemetry API is used to instrument your application with spans and metrics.
  • OpenTelemetry SDK and this exporter send collected information to Uptrace.dev.
  • Uptrace.dev uses that information to help you pinpoint failures and find performance bottlenecks.

Instrumenting code

You instrument your application by wrapping potentially interesting operations with spans. Each span has:

  • an operation name;
  • a start time and end time;
  • a set of key/value attributes containing data about the operation;
  • a set of timed events representing events, errors, logs, etc.

You create spans using a tracer:

require 'opentelemetry'

// Create a named tracer using your repo as an identifier.
tracer = OpenTelemetry.tracer_provider.tracer('github.com/username/app-name', 'semver:1.0')

To create a span:

tracer.in_span('operation-name') do |span|

Internally that does roughly the following:

// Create a span.
span = tracer.start_span('operation-name')

// Activate the span within the current context.
tracer.with_span(span) do |span|

// Finish the span when operation is completed.

To get the active span from the context:

span = tracer.current_span

Once you have a span you can start adding attributes:

span.set_attribute('enduser.id', '123')
span.set_attribute('enduser.role', 'admin')

or events:

span.add_event(name: 'log', attributes: {
  'log.severity': 'error',
  'log.message': 'User not found',
  'enduser.id': '123',

To record an error use record_error which internally uses add_event. Note that tracer.in_span already records resqued exceptions.

rescue Exception => e