
unicorn-lockdown is a helper library for running Unicorn on OpenBSD in a way that supports security features such as chroot (or unveil), privdrop, fork+exec, and pledge.

With the configuration unicorn-lockdown uses, the unicorn process executes as root, and the unicorn master process continues to run as root. The master process forks worker processes, which re-exec (fork+exec) so that a new memory layout is used in each worker process. The worker process then loads the application, after which it chroots to the application’s directory (or uses unveil to limit file system permissions), drops root privileges and then runs as the application user (privdrop), then runs pledge to limit the allowed system calls to the minimum required to run the application.


unicorn-lockdown assumes you are using OpenBSD 6.2+ with the nginx and rubyXY-unicorn packages installed, and that you have a unicorn symlink in the PATH to the appropriate unicornXY executable.

It also assumes you have a SMTP server listening on localhost port 25 to receive notification emails of worker crashes, if you are notifying for those.

If using unveil instead of chroot to limit file system access, you must be using OpenBSD 6.6+ (or 6.5-current after July 2019), one of the OpenBSD Ruby ports with backported support for unveil to work correctly with File.realpath, and version 1.2.0+ of the pledge gem.



To start the process of setting up your system to use unicorn-lockdown, run the following as root after reading the file and understanding what it does.


Briefly, the configuration this uses the following directories:


Stores unix sockets that Unicorn listens on and Nginx uses.


Stores temporary files for each request with request info, used for crash notifications


Stores unicorn log files, one per application


Stores nginx log files, two per application, one for access and one for errors

This adds a _unicorn group that all per-application users will use as their group, as well as a /etc/rc.d/rc.unicorn file that the per application /etc/rc.d/unicorn_* files will use.


For each application you want to run with unicorn lockdown, run the following as root, again after reading the file and understanding what it does:


Here’s an excerpt of the usage:

Usage: unicorn-lockdown-add [options] app_name
    -c     rackup_file   rackup configuration file
    -d     dir           application directory name
    -f     unicorn_file  unicorn configuration file relative to application directory
    -o     owner         operating system application owner
    -u     user          operating system user to run application
    --uid  uid           user id to use if creating the user when -U is specified

It is a very good idea to specify -o and -u, the other options can be ignored if you are OK with the default values. The owner (-o) and the user (-u) should be different. The user is the user the application runs as, and should have very limited access to the application directory. The owner is the user that owns the application directory and can make modifications to the application.


unicorn-lockdown is the library required in your unicorn configuration file for the application, to handle configuring unicorn to run the app with chroot (or unveil), privdrop, fork+exec, and pledge.

When you run unicorn-lockdown-add, it will create the unicorn configuration file for the app if one does not already exist, looking similar to:

require 'unicorn-lockdown'

  :user=>"user_name", # Set application user here
  :pledge=>'rpath prot_exec inet unix', # More may be needed
  :email=>'root' # update this with correct email

Unicorn.lockdown options:


(required) a short string for the name of the application, used for socket/log file names and in notifications


(required) the user to drop privileges to


(optional) the group to use to run the application. On Unicorn 5.5.0+, can be an array with two entries, the first used as the process primary group, the second as the owner of the unicorn log files.


(optional) a pledge string to limit the allowed system calls after privileges have been dropped


(optional) a hash of paths to limit file system access, passed to Pledge.unveil. Forces use of unveil instead of chroot.


(optional, requires :unveil option) a hash of paths to limit file system, merged into the :unveil option paths if in the development environment. Useful if you are allowing more access in development, such as access needed for file reloading.


(optional) an email address to use for notifications when the worker process crashes or an unhandled exception is raised by the application or middleware.

With this example pledge:

  • rpath is needed to read files in the chrooted file system

  • prot_exec is needed in most cases

  • unix is needed for the unix socket to nginx

  • inet is not needed in all cases, but in most applications need some form of network access. pf (OpenBSD’s firewall) should be used to limit access for the application’s operating system user to the minimum necessary access needed.

unicorn-lockdown has specific support for allowing for emails to be sent for Unicorn worker crashes (e.g. pledge violations). It also has support for using rack-unreloader to run your application in development mode under the chroot while allowing for reloading files if they are modified. Additionally, unicorn-lockdown modifies unicorn’s process status line in a way that allows it to be controllable via OpenBSD’s rcctl program for stopping/starting/reloading/restarting daemons.

By default, Unicorn.lockdown limits the client_body_buffer_size to 11MB, with the expectation of an Nginx limit of 10MB, such that all client requests will be buffered in memory and unicorn will not need to write temporary files to disk. If this limit is not correct for your application, please call client_body_buffer_size after calling Unicorn.lockdown to set an appropriate limit.

When Unicorn.lockdown is used with the :email option, if the worker process crashes, it will email the address using the contents specified by the request file. To make sure there is useful information to email in the case of a crash, you need to populate the request information for all requests. If you are using Roda, one way to do this is to use the error_email or error_mail plugins:

plugin :error_email, :from=>'[email protected]', :to=>'[email protected]',
# or
plugin :error_mail, :from=>'[email protected]', :to=>'[email protected]',

and then at the top of the route block, do:

if defined?(Unicorn) && Unicorn.respond_to?(:write_request)
  Unicorn.write_request(error_email_content("Unicorn Worker Process Crash"))

If you don’t have useful information in the request file, an email will still be sent for notification purposes, but it will not include request related information, which could make it difficult to diagnose the underlying problem.


If you are using PostgreSQL as the database for the application, and using unix sockets to connect the application to the database, if the database is restarted, the application will no longer be able to connect to it. The only way to fix this is to kill the worker process and have the master process spawn a new worker. The roda-pg_disconnect plugin is a plugin for the roda web toolkit to kill the worker if it detects the database connection has been lost. This plugin assumes the use of the Sequel database library and postgres adapter with the pg driver.

In your Roda application:

# Sometime before loading the error_handler plugin
plugin :pg_disconnect


rack-email_exceptions is a rack middleware designed to be the first middleware loaded into applications. It rescues unhandled exceptions raised by subsequent middleware or the application itself.

Unicorn.lockdown will automatically setup this middleware if the :email option is used and the RACK_ENV environment variable is set to production, such that it wraps the application and all other middleware.

It is possible to use this middleware manually:

require 'rack/email_exceptions'
use Rack::EmailExceptions, "app_name", '[email protected]'


chrooter is a library designed to help with testing applications both in chroot mode and non-chroot mode. If you are running your application chrooted, you must support testing while chrooted otherwise it is very difficult to find problems that only occur when chrooted before putting the application into production, such as a file being read from outside the chroot.

chrooter assumes you are using minitest for testing. To use chrooter:

require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'chrooter'
at_exit{Chrooter.chroot('user_name', 'rpath prot_exec inet unix')}

If you run your specs as a regular user, it will execute them without chrooting, but in a way that can still catch some problems that occur when chrooted. If you run your specs as root, it will chroot to the current directory after loading the specs, then drop privileges to the user given (and optionally pledging using the given pledge string), then run the specs.

If you want to use unveil instead of chroot, you can use Chrooter.unveil:

require 'minitest/autorun'
require 'chrooter'
at_exit do
  Chrooter.unveil('user_name', 'rpath prot_exec inet unix',
    'views' => 'r',
    'rack' => :gem,
    'mail' => :gem,

One advantage of using unveil instead of chroot is that the unveils will take effect even when not starting the tests as root.


As you’ll find out if you try to run your applications with chroot, autoload is the enemy. Both unicorn-lockdown and chrooter have support for handling common autoloaded constants in the rack and mail gems. If you use other gems that use autoload, you’ll have to add code that references the autoloaded constants after the application is loaded but before chrooting.

If you have to use libraries that use autoload, it is recommended that you use the support for unveil instead of using chroot, and allow access to the given gems. unicorn-lockdown will automatically unveil the rack gem, and will unveil the mail gem if the Mail constant is defined.

  :user=>"user_name", # Set application user here
  :pledge=>'rpath prot_exec inet unix', # More may be needed
    'views' => 'r',
    'gem-name' => :gem,


Jeremy Evans <[email protected]>