unicode-version [version] [travis]

Makes it easy to check for Unicode and Emoji support of your current Ruby (and older Rubies)


Add to your Gemfile:

gem "unicode-version"


# Returns current Unicode version (example with Ruby 2.7.0)
Unicode::Version.unicode_version # => 12.1

# Returns Unicode version of older Rubies
Unicode::Version.unicode_version "2.6.2" # => 12.0.0
Unicode::Version.unicode_version 1.9 # => 5.2.0

# Returns nil when Ruby version too old (before 1.9)
Unicode::Version.unicode_version 1.8 # => nil

# Returns current Emoji version (example with Ruby 2.7.0)
Unicode::Version.emoji_version # => 12.1

# Returns Emoji version of older Rubies
Unicode::Version.emoji_version "2.6.2" # => 12.0
Unicode::Version.emoji_version 2.5 # => 5.0

# Returns nil when Ruby version too old (before 2.5)
Unicode::Version.emoji_version 2.4 # => nil

MIT License

Copyright (C) 2020 Jan Lelis https://janlelis.com. Released under the MIT license.