
uhwm is a minimalistic tiling and stacking window manager for X. It is mostly written in ruby so you can configure and extend features directly with ruby code.

The layout behavior can be changed, the default one being implemented by the uh-layout ruby gem. A layout is a simple ruby object responding to specific messages, so you can wrote your own in plain ruby without any dependency.

Main features:

  • Xinerama support;
  • different adapters for event handling: blocking, multiplexing with select() or kqueue();
  • configuration with a run control file;
  • key bindings with user defined code as callback;
  • configurable modifier key;
  • user-defined layout behavior (ruby);
  • external program execution;
  • no re-parenting (therefore, no window decoration either);
  • no grabbing of the modifier key alone;
  • no default key binding except for exiting;
  • no mouse event handling;
  • no EWMH support;
  • very limited ICCCM support.


uhwm requires ruby ~> 2.1 with rubygems, and is currently distributed as the uh-wm ruby gem and the x11-wm/rubygem-uh-wm FreeBSD port.

gem install uh-wm   # install the gem or update to last release
pkg install x11-wm/rubygem-uh-wm    # use the FreeBSD port


uhwm can be configured with a run control file written in ruby. A simple example is provided below, more details are available in the RunControl class documentation. The file must be located at the ~/.uhwmrc.rb path.

Please note that uhwm ships with only one key binding: mod+shift+q which is bound to the quit action. You need to write your own configuration file if you want to do something useful with uhwm.

DMENU     = 'dmenu_run -b'
VT        = 'urxvt'
  arora chromium firebird firefox galeon iceweasel konqueror pentadactyl
  phoenix vimperator

modifier :mod1                # This key is added to the modifier mask for *all*
                              # key bindings.
key(:p)     { execute DMENU } # Execute given command in a shell when mod1+shift
                              # is pressed.
key(:Q)     { quit }          # Quit when mod1+shift+q is pressed (a capitalized
                              # key adds shift to mod mask).
key(:enter) { execute VT }    # Common key names (`enter') are translated to
                              # their X equivalent (`return').

rule BROWSERS do              # Move windows to the `www' view when their app
  layout_view_set 'www'       # class match either /\Aarora/, /\Achromium/… etc

launch do                         # Execute urxvt program twice, synchronously.
  execute! VT                     # `execute!' is a variant of `execute' which
  execute! VT                     # return when a window is mapped.
  layout_client_column_set :succ  # Move last mapped window to next column.

Blocks given to key, rule, launch are executed in a special context providing access to methods named "actions", which are described in the "Actions" section of this file.


The actions DSL implements a few built-in messages, but also acts as a proxy to the layout. Any message prefixed with layout_ is forwarded to the layout, with its prefix stripped. That is, if layout_view_sel '2' is evaluated, then the layout will receive the view_sel message with "2" as argument. Accurate information is available in the ActionsHandler class documentation

Message Arguments Description
quit requests uhwm to terminate
execute command executes given command in a shell
kill_current kills layout current client
layout_* *_ forwards messages to layout


  • Unicode is not supported everywhere (the uh ruby gem does not yet support unicode text drawing).


What are the default key bindings?

Just one: mod+shift+q is bound to the quit action.

How can I implement my own layout?

A layout is a simple ruby object responding to a set of messages: register, current_client, suggest_geo, <<, remove, update and expose. No documentation is available yet, so read the source code or the cucumber scenarios in features/layout/protocol.feature.

Can I change the default behavior ignoring current view selection?

Yes, just test for this condition in the key binding code. For example the following code will select the last historized view (if you are on view "1", and select view "2" twice, the view "1" is selected.

# Replace the "simple" view selection key binding...
key(:m) { layout_view_sel 'my_view' }
# ...with this:
key :m do
  if layout.current_view.id == 'my_view'
    layout_view_sel layout.history.last_view.id
    layout_view_sel 'my_view'